what time do you feed your pythons?

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Port Stephens Nsw
Hi, just wondering if there is a better time of day to feed? We have had our yearling darwin nearly 2 weeks, he hasnt fed yet we offered twice but no luck im not worried he will eat when hes ready. The temps are fine in his enclosure but i notice he likes to sit in the coolest part. approx 20degrees will this make him less hungry?
So being nocternal animals is is better to feed at night??
I feed mine at varied times.... it doesnt seem to bother them at all....
Generally speaking,pythons do hunt at nite,but most in captivity will eat anytime of the day,morning til nite,depends on how its been fed in the past,a couple that ive got will only eat around morning til lunch,then a couple others will only eat at nite,try different times and see what works best for you,good luck.
my pythons aren't fussy, they will eat at any time of day.
I feed mine, around 5pm every sunday (If the animal is fed weekly) just as it hits dusk or afternoon. Monday and tuesday's im not around much so they get to digest in peace.
I feed mine during the day, usually on a Friday afternoon. I only make sure that he's sitting on the warm area as I had trouble feeding him the first time as he was too cool. This works for me. Snakey is usually asleep so I tap him and when he smells the food he knows its feeding time not handling time!
thanks for the info guys. i was gonna ask if you wait till they are awake or not. Do u suggest removing his branch as that is the coolest spot in his tank? its heated with a mat. so he is warmer before feeding him then put it back in a few days after so he can digest or will he figure that out himself?
I found that Snakey senses where the warmest spot is and moves there. He only needs to be able to feel like he's hidden. I've got some plastic ferns for him to hide under. They are spread across the click clack in the warm, cool and mid temp areas, so he's got a choice. I also have a branch that's laying down and covers the whole area.
generally at night, sometimes outside during the day if its nice and sunny,...
Hey Luvezit,

My juvenile diamond took 3 weeks to begin feeding after I got him and I tried different times of the day and size of food. I found that my guy was really active at night so I offered him food then and he's been feeding once a week like clockwork ever since. I reckon if they hunt at night in the wild it only makes sense that they are more likely to feed after the tank lights go out. Good luck!

A cool side of 20C is a bit low for darwins as far as feeding goes.After sundown is the best time to feed pythons as this is when they naturally hunt for food.
20degrees is at the top of the tank where the his branch sits at its highest (seems the higher the better for him) as his tank is heated with a mat the temps dont get too high up there the temps for his 2 hides are around 24 on the cool side and 33 on the warm side. Im thinking of putting in a heat lamp from the top so the temp will be even from top to bottom. Still unsure as to what type of bulb and what wattage to use the tanks is 3ft x 1ft x 1.5ft high
If only heating using a mat then its most definately temp related.Mats don't do a great deal with raising overall air temps.Im guessing you are also using a fish tank which aren't the best at keeping the area at the desired temps.

Definately try to rig up some overhead heating.A couple of other things may help as well.Place some insulation on the outside back and sides of the tank,if using a mesh lid try blocking a portion of it and position the tank on an internal wall,and have it up at least 1 mtr from the floor.
Reckon Ramsayi is on the money. Get your cold end a bit warmer, dont worry to much about the hot end. If he starts jumping in the water bowl its to hot, but I tend to keep my snakes at the warmer end of 20 degrees. When he starts feeding well, turn the heat down abit if you wish. Give it about a week to ajust to new temp. It will work out.
Yes Ramsayi we are using a old fishtank it is on a closed in stand with a hood.

Im not overally worried about him not eating, he hasnt been with us that long and is still settling in, but i will set up some overhead heating so that when he is ready to eat he will be warm enough.
Is it usuall for darwins to love climbing? He seemed happy b4 we put the branch in but now its in he loves it.
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