what to do when a python bites

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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
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well, im getting my childreni tonight, and i know i will probaby get bitten a few hundred times lol.

just wondering what do you do if it bites, its only a hatchy so i know i wont hurt, but how do you get them off?? just wait till he lets go??

iv tried searching this and didnt really find what i was looking for.

hmm mines never bitten me before but i am pretty sure if they bite you they give you a little "love tap" to tell you to go away. unless they think your food then they might actually latch on and hang around. In which case you should prob just amputate your finger lol. nah I would imagine a water spraybottle on "jet" mode would deter most smaller pythons.
Pee yourself and curl into a ball....

Nah im joking, ive heard that running water will deter them if they are latched on, but usally they will just tag you, and a childreni wont do that much damage.
I picked up 2 last night and they where briilaint to handle didnt have a go once even after the car ride home they where great to handle.

As they are only small and will prob bite out of defense and not a food response they will not hang on, but you never know.

But yeah i quick mist or splash with water should do it.
just blow near its mouth and they'll let go, no need to blast a hatchy childrens with water. Or leave it and wait for it to let go.
im not worried about it biting me, if i was worried i wouldnt be getting it.

im just asking that when it bites, and it doesnt wana let go, what do i do???

thanks for your replies
Ummmmmm....scream....that's what I did when it first happened to me.....not because I felt it, or it hurt, but I wasn't expecting it and it was sooooooo quick and I got a shock. I think the poor little bloke was more scared than me. :) Nahhhh, you'll be fine.... :)
lol, thanks guys. so i guess its a defensive bite that i will most likley get lol.

just got a call from the breeder, he is comming to drop it off soon !! sooo excited :)
my advice is if it happens walk around like #### yeah and get the camera
Obviously you people have never met" Princess". im sure its revenge for me naming her that but she bites like the clappers. She coils round me and bites and hangs on for up to 10 mins and she's a Spotted Python Psycho. The spray bottle on mist worked well for ages but now it doesnt bother her, last time i submerged her in a bucket of water and she still hung on for a bit then let go. They can be cage protective and then fine when they are out so use a hook to remove them if they are that way inclined. She has small snake syndrone and is currently on medication to make her a nicer snake!!!
P.s i love it how she bites though especially when showing someone and they freak out and run away.............:evil:
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