What's everybody reading?

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Active Member
Oct 7, 2011
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Two Rocks, Western Australia, Australia
What book or books are people reading at the moment?

I'm currently reading:

Homology: The hierarchical basis of comparative biology, edited by Brian K. Hall
The ant and the peacock by Helena Cronin
The genetical theory of natural selection by Ronald Fisher
I'm in the middle of Reptiles Australasia issue 2. I'm about to go on to The More Complete Chondro. After that, it will be uni readings for a while. :)
I just finished reading:

Snuggle Pot & Cuddle Pie
Wombat Stew...............

I love to read, usually true stories, crime stories etc......however i dont get alot of 'me' time!

*Please note, i am not weird......much......i read the above for the purpose of making my babies sleep ;)
I've chewed through most of my favourite authors so I'm currently in stasis, although earlier I rather enjoyed "Hunting for Dragons" with my daughter lol.
If anyone's got any good recommendations I'm into satire and fantasy mostly; did my dash with serious stuff ages ago so now I either read because I'm researching or read to be entertained. All the better if I'm laughing so hard I pee a little.
"Snake bitten Eric Worrell and the Australian reptile park" and "reptile medicine and surgery By Douglas mader"

Good books
Venomous snakes of the terrarium by Ludwig Truntau
I love those books! Patricia Cornwell is fantastic, other then hornets nest! Lol

I've read all of them a number of times over (escapism? 0.o) . I'm slowly buying the whole set as I've loaned some out and never seen them again :(.
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If anyone's got any good recommendations I'm into satire and fantasy mostly.

With a combination of reading interests like that, I gather you've read Terry Pratchett! What kind of fantasy do you like, Nighthawk?

I'm slowly buying the whole set as I've loaned some out and never seen them again :(.

I HATE that. Call me selfish, but I rarely lend things out these days. Even if they do come back, they're often not in the same condition as they left.
keeping and breeding australian lizards have on my 4th read

Just bought it on the cheap, the book seams highly recommended also just finished reading keeping Australian geckos
Lords of the Underworld - Gena Showalter. It's a series, and I'm currently on "The Darkest Lie". They're great books, I've planned to get the tattoo that the warriors have tattooed down my left hand side.
With a combination of reading interests like that, I gather you've read Terry Pratchett! What kind of fantasy do you like, Nighthawk?

For sure lmao, I worked my way through all of his books after gnawing my way through my flatmate's novels and finally flicked through "Lords and Ladies", I LOVED The Carpet People, what a brilliant imagination! :D Neil Gaiman's another favourite, I like his black sense of humour.
Anything slightly twisted to tell you the truth, I'll always go back over the original Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass books, and another few favourites are The Mirror of Dorian Gray and The Canterville Ghost; I've found Oscar Wilde's style to be incredibly entertaining.
Basically I'll read anything; I've gone from Dickens to Stephen King, Grisham, J.R.R. Tolkein (although the Silmarillion was a bit of a stretch), my mother's Catherine Cookson collection and her Maryanne Keyes (when I've been feeling a bit girly :p) etc, etc, etc... I've even read all of the Harry Potters, although I only really started to see what all the fuss was about. Now I'm starting to waiver a bit, so any recommendations will do :D
Just finished the " His Dark Materials " trilogy [ The Golden Compass movie was made from the first book ] picked them up in an op shop for $4.50 the set . Much better than the movie . Usually go for crime / supernatural novels . John Connelly writes both in the one story , very good if your not squeamish .
Just finished the " His Dark Materials " trilogy [ The Golden Compass movie was made from the first book ] picked them up in an op shop for $4.50 the set . Much better than the movie . Usually go for crime / supernatural novels . John Connelly writes both in the one story , very good if your not squeamish .

Oooh: Noted :D
I'm going to like this thread... ideas!
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