6.30pm - 7.30pm | Seven (this sat)
The World Around Us Moose Mania
Documentary | (G) | 60 mins |
Two scientists don a pantomime-style moose costume in a unique attempt to monitor moose behaviour in the absence of predators. With all its predators killed off by humans, moose in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming have been instantly elevated to the top of the food chain and are losing their fear of their greatest foes. With both wolves and grizzly bears already being reintroduced into the area, it's the scientist's mission, with the help of a few specially scented snow balls, to re-teach the Wyoming moose their forgotten tricks.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
6.30pm - 7.30pm | Seven (this sat)
The World Around Us Moose Mania
Documentary | (G) | 60 mins |
Two scientists don a pantomime-style moose costume in a unique attempt to monitor moose behaviour in the absence of predators. With all its predators killed off by humans, moose in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming have been instantly elevated to the top of the food chain and are losing their fear of their greatest foes. With both wolves and grizzly bears already being reintroduced into the area, it's the scientist's mission, with the help of a few specially scented snow balls, to re-teach the Wyoming moose their forgotten tricks.
:lol: :lol: :lol: