There is something you are not telling us. You don’t get denied entry to a club due to your age if you are over 18.
I think I went clubbing twice. The first place I ordered a coke and held out a five dollar note and never saw any change. In those days, a coke across the bar at the local was a maximum of 60c. So I refused to drink anything for the rest of the evening. Stone cold sober all I can say is the place was a dead loss – all about people trying to make an image and not trying to genuinely relate to others. The second time was no different but I made sure I didn’t get ripped off with my drink.
I have had so much more fun at pubs, with mates and meeting ladies and dancing to the band. Just super casual, laid back, here for a good time, and have a few a drinks into the bargain. You dance yourself silly, if though you don’t really know how to dance, and you sit down and talk to people and make new friends. You might even get lucky and get laid. There is none of this posturing crap you that you get at clubs.
Occasionally you might drink too much. The pub staff used to simply ask your mates to take you home. I personally didn’t get to that stage too often. What I can say, is I never enjoyed being drunk. But I sure as hell enjoyed myself getting there.
I think you need to change the venues you attend and ensure that you do not end up off your face when you do go out.