Well i did find one of my 8 ft diamonds 300 m up the road 6 mths after she escaped out of the avairy while I was overseas. Got the call and there she was terrorising the poor neighbours. Never found one of my red bellies though. Another redbelly escaped and I found it under another enclosure, and I thought stuff it, I'll get it when I get back from the surf, and then I couldn't find it, My young fella found it had climbed up to the top of some enclosures and was hanging up there 2 m off the ground. Then there was the day when I had a 9 ft diamond out sunning in the vege garden and I forgot she was there and went shopping with my missus when we got the call from my daughter that she was in the snake shed climbing over everything smashing stuff. By the time we got back she was curled up asleep on the incubator.
Oh yeah and there was one time a 7ft coastal I owned lived in the wall my truck for a week (it got out of a bag). My missus got in the truck to reverse it out of the garage and when she turned back from looking over her shoulder its head was inches from her face. It was curled up on the dash and had stretched out to her while she was backing the troopy out.