why are so many people anti-sand

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Adelaide, SA
Prob funny start for title, but i noticed while looking at some bearded dragon sites that people are very anti-sand.

I have tried reptile carpet, which stinks when washed, ive tried tiles and the beardies hated it as they slid around & they didnt like paper/towel.

They are now on kids playsand which has no rocks etc in it and are the happiest ive ever seen them?

So why are people so against sand.

I know the compaction reasons but my lizards are health and happy so why take that away from them?

what other substrates do people suggest/
my bf uses sand for his beardies.... and i use sand for my monitors. it just seems more natural... as for the impaction issue, it hasnt been a problem as yet for us. so i would go for sand, they love to dig in it. maybe not the best for babies but for the older ones it seems good:)
That is the main reason impaction i cant see any other reason besides that ;). Im sure many people wouldnt risk there lizards health over enclosure looks.
I use sand for my geckos and I've had no problems so far but I've only had my geckos for a couple of weeks.

I use ground walnut shell for my beardies and they love it. They love being able to dig out a spot to sleep in and I've had no problems at all. A lot of people say not to use it for juveniles but then I know breeders who do use it and who've had no problems.
Use tiles that have a rougher surface. None of my beardies slip on them. You definitely cannot use glosy glazed tiles.
I have lost 2 beardies because of sand impaction.. I hate it!!!:x I use Desert Blend now, it is crushed up walnut shell....;)
I have lost 2 beardies because of sand impaction.. I hate it!!!:x I use Desert Blend now, it is crushed up walnut shell....;)

You do know that Crushed Walnut shell will also cause impaction ;).
They also say you shouldn't house 2 beardies together, but a lot of keepers do with no problems, me being one of them. It's personal preference and personally I think keeping an animal on a hard tile or newspaper to be cruel. How would you like to sleep on a bed made of tile?
Having tried to nurse back to health a batch of baby beardies that had started their lives on sand and had all to some degree or another ingested some of it (heck the stuff had even gotten into their drinking water). And having seen the pain some of them went through before having to be put down (though I did save more than I lost) I have found myself very anti sand.

But then I guess its a little like running with scissors or driving without a seat belt, you can do it 99 times or even 999 times with no problems, but that 1 time things go wrong it can be nasty.

I have had luck with specialist reptile bark chips with my smaller lizards, my big beardy had a tendency to try get them in his mouth while chasing crickets and I am worried he'll swallow them, but he does seem to know the difference and spit them out, he's cute but dumb (a bit like my boyfriend).

I've tried the walnut substrate too with some success, I found for me it seemed to dry out the air in the tank a little like it was absorbing the moisture, but if I put extra water bowls in or misted to try and improve humidity the substrate just got all damp and smelly. Advantage is that the poos lift up just like they were in kitty litter.

If you have to use sand maybe use a sand that "sets" a little when damp, the name of what type of sand that is escapes me. it might make it harder for them to accidentally swallow too much of it.

Anyway my 2c worth on the matter .. . worth what 2c will buy you I guess.
I think sand for grown beardies is great! but it's a hell of a job trying to get it out of the tracks where the glass sits, especially when wet! I've been using repti-bark lately, they love it! it keeps the heat pretty well through the night too
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