My sister lives at Engadine and was recently horrified when she walked outside onto her verandah to discover a large red belly basking in the sun, who then proceeded to climb onto her clothes horse (it would be funny if she wasn't so scared of snakes ). There was a ladder leaning up on the wall and a vine (which has now been clipped), that she thinks the snake could have climbed up. She has seen them before and has a large rocky ledge down the back of her yard where they would probably breed, so I don't think relocation of the snakes is an option.Thing is she has a one year old, another on the way and two dogs and is scared of them being in the back yard. I told her that red bellies are usually a shy snake, so would most likely want to avoid her too, so to inspect the yard carefully first and make a fair bit of noise before going outside with the dogs. The grass is kept short and she has removed pot plants. Any other suggestions?