woma caging

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Something low, about 600 or 800mm high, and about 1/2 to 3/4 of the snakes length should be suffice.
I have both of my Womas in a 300 by 350 by 1200. I know people that house ther 7 8 foot carpets in click clacks!! hope this helps.


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Maybe a couple of questions need to be asked of you snakeboy, 1st one is ...Is space a concern where you are going to house it? and do you have any concerns about power usage for heating?
Womas will climb but are rather clumsy when doing so , so provide some space for this as well as something to climb on. They love to roam and explore at night so the more space the better with rocks ,hides,water bowls ,sand pits, raised sections etc.
This is my experience with my Uluru woma and he loves the sand pit and rolls and digs in it every day. Plenty of people said i shouldnt put a sand pit in it but he loves it and spends heaps of time on it. Here's some pics of him rolling, the sizes 1600x650x500.
P.s. the sand pit is 800mm long then there is a raised platform with marine carpet which is 800mm long in which i feed him on.


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i use a similar setup cracksinthepitch though instead of sand i have a section of shredded paper which love to explore and hide in. I run 2x4 ft cages though the new cages i am wanting to build will be 5 -6ft long but only
400mm high. and divided into 3 sections. heated area, hid and water bowl area and the shredded paper area. i don't really think they need to much hieght but more floor space though thats jmo.
That size would be awesome but heating it would be an issue. Maybe try standard melamine sizes like 1600mm x 600mm wide but height say 450 to 500mm. Try heat panels rather than globes or ceramics which will point down a fair way. Good luck
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