world idol

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its a scam dont give them the time of the day to even talk about it!!!!!! if they had a fu@#en world pet rock idole the winner would still sell 3million singles. hey what about a festid dog turd idole even the winner of that could go triple platnum with enough endorsments and promos. read my last post abouve this is the truth!!!! :evil:
Mystic, thats all well and good but then the whole thing about morals (yes some lawyers have them) and purgory comes into play.

Best thing to do is not go to court in the first place.

Wattso ~ Try to settle out of court.
Tis only purgory if your caught :p
As for the lawyers moral, they have them?
j/k but your representative ONLY KNOWS what you tell him.
So go ahead and make it up lol
haha! Being a prosecutor, I dont represent anybody but the Crown. I couldn't live with myself if I were a defence lawyer.

And yes, some of us do have morals. ;)
In my last trial I had the judge,my solicitor,and the DPP ripping the police witnesses to shreds in order to get a not guilty verdict from the jury lol.I kicked an easy goal finally :p

Goes to show that the judge,the defending team,and the DPP team are all in it together,talk outside the courtroom and help each other out.But they looked out for me because it was obvious the lies etc made against me.Infact the DPP cross examined the witness harder than my own solicitor did haha...
Speaking of which, Do you know Shannon got a record deal with the same company that hired guy? Pretty lame huh? BMG records from memory it is......
Im in agreeance with Luke.
Just look at the members on big brother.
These were nobodies before the show,now they are famous and getting all sorts of breaks & career oportunities for what? doing daily routine things that every human being does day in and day out?
Just look at the members on big brother.
These were nobodies before the show,now they are famous and getting all sorts of breaks & career oportunities for what? doing daily routine things that every human being does day in and day out?

That and they talked about things that would make Hugh Hefner cringe. :lol:
BB, BMG records has first selection of all 12 finalists. They can sign whomever they wish before any other record company has a chance.
Yeah, but whats the point? The person they are supposed to sign is the winner...Guy. BUT they also signed Shannon..Its like they both won???
and they are most probably going to sign the others aswell. As Luke said, it's all about making money. In 6 months time we wont remember Guy or any of them
I used to drink in a pub with no beer with my mates kevin & duncan,but we'd drink in moderation and never get drunk...
Well said Luke,
I totally agree I hate all pop shyte and tech shyte like basement jaxx and that crap...but Guy is cool he actually has talent and he doesnt need a friken super computer to make himself half decent like all the other pop singers do.............GO GUY!!!!
All great pop stars need great dancers behind for better show efect. I am thinking that if Steve the pom would dance behind Guy in his favorite outfit......Gloves only........
Guy would be unbeatable.
Just found out that my cousin Klia made it though to the second auditions of Greek idol only to freeze up. Pity, she did a fantastic version of Roberta Flacks "killing me softly".

Luke is partly right about the rewards the winners will get, properly no better than average wage for 6 months or so, with the very real danger of ending up with a large debt to pay. If he is able to record a song he wrote however, the skies the limit. And the whole thing is financed by the voting system, ?00,000 phone calls at $1 profit a call equals an [adverb] lot of money.

Anyhow, manufactured pop is not my cup of tea, I'd rather listen to Willie Dixon, Saint Nick, Louis Jordan, Beasts of Bourbon or songs about Eugene being careless with her axe :)
moot point ...hes a man. they work under different moral rules. not the same rules at all. in all fairness, there would be no justice in a court of law unless they were all female jurors! just let them be yukky.
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