6 month old bredli

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Not so new Member
Jun 18, 2022
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Hey guys, pretty new here but loving the forum. This whole snake bug has bite. Absolutely loved my childrens I got about 2 months ago so I decided to get a jungle and well I’ve bought another….this is Dakar the 6 month old Bredli. I’m going to need a reptile room very quickly at this rate!, Any specific tips for Bredlis especially enclosure setup. In the process of making a rock background with a ledge etc. trying to “theme” my tanks slightly to mimic the natural habitat of the snake almost like a window into there natural home. Thanks guys!


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My advice, stop buying snakes... 3 snakes in 2 months sounds like impulse buying.
Atleast wait a year or two until you have established yourself as a keeper and are sure you are ready for that level of commitment.

Aside from the obvious size, these snakes, (morelia) grow quite large and need a decent size enclosure. Do you have room for multiple large enclosures? 4ft minimum for each animal? These animals live for a long time, over 20 years. Are you prepared to make that commitment? Feeding, cleaning, providing quality vet care if and when needed?

What happens when the excitement and novelty of owning a snake wears off? Have you thought about the future or are you just caught up in the excitement?

Don't get me wrong, many of us have multiple snakes, I myself have quite a few but I am also prepared for the commitment. It sounds like you are excited and keen but also very new to keeping snakes, what happens when you have issues as we all do from time to time, will you know how to handle problems when they come up?

I wish you all the best and I hope this isn't just an exciting but temporary hobby, remember these are living creatures and they deserve the best.
My advice, stop buying snakes... 3 snakes in 2 months sounds like impulse buying.
Atleast wait a year or two until you have established yourself as a keeper and are sure you are ready for that level of commitment.

Aside from the obvious size, these snakes, (morelia) grow quite large and need a decent size enclosure. Do you have room for multiple large enclosures? 4ft minimum for each animal? These animals live for a long time, over 20 years. Are you prepared to make that commitment? Feeding, cleaning, providing quality vet care if and when needed?

What happens when the excitement and novelty of owning a snake wears off? Have you thought about the future or are you just caught up in the excitement?

Don't get me wrong, many of us have multiple snakes, I myself have quite a few but I am also prepared for the commitment. It sounds like you are excited and keen but also very new to keeping snakes, what happens when you have issues as we all do from time to time, will you know how to handle problems when they come up?

I wish you all the best and I hope this isn't just an exciting but temporary hobby, remember these are living creatures and they deserve the best.
I respect your concern but I’ve done my research on the bredli and childrens. Given the jungle was a very unexpected one but the other two I have researched thoroughly. I do infact have more then enough space for many more snakes aswel. Reptiles have been my passion since I was a toddler and I’ve always wanted them since I can remember but due to the fact my parents didn’t like them I never got to keep any of them but now that I’ve moved out with a stable job etc I can pursue this hobby. I can see how one might think it is impulse buying but I do my research before hand. I post on here asking questions because I’d rather hear from breeders and keepers on my specific problems/questions rather then care sheets that can be very broad. I am new to keeping reptiles yes but I’m trying to get as much information as possible from Different sources and I’m fully prepared for the 20+ year commitment of owning snakes and the associated cost. I apologise if that came off abit rude I don’t intent for it to be merely just explaining my situation.
Mate you dont owe anyone an apology, i was merely stating that it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of new animals, new colours, and collecting the whole set so to speak... many people do it, myself included. We all start with big intentions, strong commitments, but believe me the excitement and novelty does wear off and even though I love and care for each of my animals and always will, it is a much bigger commitment than I could ever have imagined. You have to keep in mind the future is long with these animals, and the enclosures are big... the space we have today may not be the space we have tomorrow and unless you own your own permanent home, moving house can be difficult with many pets.
My point being, just be patient, learn everything there is to learn about your current pets, go through a full year, winter cycles, cooling, humidity and feeding issues etc, really get to know and understand your animals properly before investing in any more.
Today they eat a cheap mouse here and there but very soon they'll be eating bigger meals and bigger meals mean higher cost, not huge, but still higher than I had expected at the beginning.

Everyone loves a new car but eventually it becomes just a car... snakes are exciting at the start, we build exciting enclosures, decorate them all fancy and pretty, but eventually they will blend with the environment and your reptiles will slightly fade into the background. Just be prepared to give these guys the love and attention they need so they don't end up surplus to your life.

Best of luck mate...
Welcome, Carl. Congrats on your snakes. Can you update us occasionally with your snakes and enclosures, and share pics perhaps?
Welcome, Carl. Congrats on your snakes. Can you update us occasionally with your snakes and enclosures, and share pics perhaps?
My apologies Carl, this has nothing to do with your post.

Admin Please feel free to delete.

Are you a real person "python"?
The reason I ask is because you always post very generic messages that most of the time have nothing to do with the conversation, a lot of posts I have read from you seem random and posted just for the sake of posting, and even though you are the "administrator" the questions you ask make it appear as though you know little about pythons.

Sorry not trying to be rude, I'm just very curious, surely I'm not the only one who has noticed this?
I must admit, this did seem a bit random the other day. I'm a total newbie and even I could work out what that means?

Hi @Reptilechick - I don't think I'll delete my comment, as I do hope to see more photos from Carl12 as he progresses with his new snakes. It does appear that he is jumping in to the snake lifestyle quickly. I have enjoyed your comments about how large the snakes can get and the size of the homes they will need as they grow. You must have an extensive background in snakes. I'll need to read more of your posts so I can learn about your background. You do write as someone that is deep into snakes.

@Mack86 - You caught me. I'm pretty ignorant about snakes, but I do want to ask questions here and there. And I'm glad you know what a strong food response is. I think I know, but rather than guess I thought I'd ask. It's better to ask the questions and verify what something is, than assume and make ignorant comments later.

So @Carl12, I do enjoy seeing your new snakes and I am still hoping that you'll post more about your snakes and share some photos about them as they continue to become part of your family.

By they way, I am a real person.
@Python - From one ignorant person to another I think it's great to ask questions! You only need to look at my previous posts to know that I'll ask any question whether it be silly or not because in my opinion that's how we learn 😊

Glad to hear you're not a robot 😅 and I too look forward to seeing how Carl progresses
Hi @Reptilechick - I don't think I'll delete my comment, as I do hope to see more photos from Carl12 as he progresses with his new snakes. It does appear that he is jumping in to the snake lifestyle quickly. I have enjoyed your comments about how large the snakes can get and the size of the homes they will need as they grow. You must have an extensive background in snakes. I'll need to read more of your posts so I can learn about your background. You do write as someone that is deep into snakes.

@Mack86 - You caught me. I'm pretty ignorant about snakes, but I do want to ask questions here and there. And I'm glad you know what a strong food response is. I think I know, but rather than guess I thought I'd ask. It's better to ask the questions and verify what something is, than assume and make ignorant comments later.

So @Carl12, I do enjoy seeing your new snakes and I am still hoping that you'll post more about your snakes and share some photos about them as they continue to become part of your family.

By they way, I am a real person.
@Python Thank you for the response, much appreciated
In regards to deleting comments, it was my comment I offered to delete as I didn't want to be rude to carl by hijacking his thread.

I remember how exciting it was with my first snake and how easy it is/was to get caught up, I've also seen how many post animals for sale with comments like no longer have time or my child is bored, hence why I seem a little concerned. It's not a personal attack, rather an animal welfare concern.
Ask a million questions mate, as long as you put your animals welfare and needs over your own, I'm always here for advice.

thank you for your understanding, If you want to know anything about me or my animals, , feel free to send me a private message and we can chat.

Thank you
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@Python - From one ignorant person to another I think it's great to ask questions! You only need to look at my previous posts to know that I'll ask any question whether it be silly or not because in my opinion that's how we learn 😊

Glad to hear you're not a robot 😅 and I too look forward to seeing how Carl progresses
@Mack86 - Thank you for understanding, I absolutely agree with what you said, and my questioning improves as my learning about snakes and other reptiles progresses.:)

Hope you continue to enjoy the forum.
@Python Thank you for the response, much appreciated
In regards to deleting comments, it was my comment I offered to delete as I didn't want to be rude to carl by hijacking his thread.
thank you for your understanding, If you want to know anything about me or my animals, , feel free to send me a private message and we can chat.

Thank you
@Reptilechick - Sorry for the deleting comments thing, thanks for the clarification.

I enjoyed all your comments especially on animal welfare. Really appreciate your offer, looking forward to chat and ask dumb questions.😄
@Reptilechick - Sorry for the deleting comments thing, thanks for the clarification.

I enjoyed all your comments especially on animal welfare. Really appreciate your offer, looking forward to chat and ask dumb questions.😄
There are no dumb questions if you are sincere, by all means, ask away.
I'm not the most knowledgeable / experienced member by far but I have done my research and I know what works for the health and happiness of my own animals.

There will always be someone out there who knows more than you regardless of your experience so as long as we share our knowledge respectfully, we all keep learning.

Thank you for your understanding.

And to @Carl12 sorry for completely hijacking your post mate, it was never my intention.
There are no dumb questions if you are sincere, by all means, ask away.
I'm not the most knowledgeable / experienced member by far but I have done my research and I know what works for the health and happiness of my own animals.

There will always be someone out there who knows more than you regardless of your experience so as long as we share our knowledge respectfully, we all keep learning.

Thank you for your understanding.

And to @Carl12 sorry for completely hijacking your post mate, it was never my intention.
Not a stress at all, I’ll keep you all updated on my little noodles.

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