Need Help With Phyllurus platurus

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New Member
Mar 29, 2024
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Sydney NSW
So recently I got my license and adopted a Juvenile Phyllurus Platurus (Leaf Tail Gecko).
I've spoken to the previous about feeding and he has informed me that he fed them medium crickets and woodies.
It has only been two days but I've noticed he isn't eating much as I have added 4 crickets in but I notice remaining crickets in there.
The enclosure (30cm x 30cm x 45cm) has a red sand substrate with sphagnum moss on top, a few branches and false leaves. I do not have a UVB or heating light yet though I plan to get one soon, that being said I have provided him with a heating mat. I mist the enclosure daily.

I'm just worried as he isn't eating much as the past owner said he feeds them 5 medium crickets daily. I have done some research and it could be stress, any way I can know how long it would take for him to get used to the new enclosure or if there is any other factors that may be causing him stress.

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