Bad Shed - GTP - Advice

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Cranbourne, Victoria
This morning i woke up and did my daily check on my GTPonly to find out it’s had a really bad shed. I gave it a good misting down(like i do every morning) but I had to come into work, which means i didn’thave time to help get his left over shed off :cry: . I’m reallyworried about the shed that’s still on him drying up. I have my partner at homeready to mist if need be though which is good.

What techniques does everyone use to help get the left over shed off?
Hopefully he’ll be alright until I get home.

As long as his eye caps have shed he should be fine until you get home from work.You could put him in a click clack with a little bit of warm water and a rock or any rough surface for him to rub against. just make sure he doesnt get too cold. Also a damp pillow case do the trick just let him slide though it while your handling him . My womas sometimes have a little bit of shed left and this works for me. hope this helps.
I tend to steer away from the damp pillowcase just because some thread counts don't let air in well. Nothing I'd fear more then trying to help and pulling out a dead snake.

I use a clickclack with with 100% humidity at about 30 ℃ and a rock in there. If its an adult use a plastic storage tub for example. Usually done in a few hrs. They dry out very easily though and struggle to move when the skin goes hard. Happened once when I had to go to work and I came home to it off its perch upside down like a pretzel. Warm bath and clickclack with 100% fixed it though.
As long as his eye caps have shed he should be fine until you get home from work.You could put him in a click clack with a little bit of warm water and a rock or any rough surface for him to rub against. just make sure he doesnt get too cold. Also a damp pillow case do the trick just let him slide though it while your handling him . My womas sometimes have a little bit of shed left and this works for me. hope this helps.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I've been quite anxious wondering what I can do to help. I’m not sure if his eye caps have come off or not, it’s quite patchy all over. The shed that has managed to come off was all patchy and hard to tell where it came from. I'll try those ideas when i get home.

Thanks again.
I tend to steer away from the damp pillowcase just because some thread counts don't let air in well. Nothing I'd fear more then trying to help and pulling out a dead snake.

I use a clickclack with with 100% humidity at about 30 ℃ and a rock in there. If its an adult use a plastic storage tub for example. Usually done in a few hrs. They dry out very easily though and struggle to move when the skin goes hard. Happened once when I had to go to work and I came home to it off its perch upside down like a pretzel. Warm bath and clickclack with 100% fixed it though.

How was it once you fixed the shed issue? Was the snake ok?
Yep afterwards was happy as Larry. It was husbandry issues that caused the bad shed for mine. Played around with heat source positions and humidity and now sheds one piece every time
Nobody seems to take me seriously on this but I'll say it again... make a jug of Chamomile tea then cool it with extra water until you have enough for your snake to have a warm soak in. Leave it for 20mins. Wet a towel/tea towel with the water in the tub, squeeze it out and let your snake slither through the cloth in your hands. I have seen this done with a cranky full grown coastal and it worked a treat. The oils help soften the shed in a different way that helps it slip off even easier than just straight water. There are also those who suggest that it also helps sooth the snake which watching the coastal I can believe. And for those who crap on this suggestion every thread... try it before you comment.
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Nobody seems to take me seriously on this but I'll say it again... make a jug of Chamomile tea then cool it with extra water until you have enough for your snake to have a warm soak in. Leave it for 20mins. Wet a towel/tea towel with the water in the tub, squeeze it out and let your snake slither through the cloth in your hands. I have seen this done with a cranky full grown coastal and it worked a treat. The oils help soften the shed in a different way that helps it slip off even easier than just straight water. There are also those who suggest that it also helps sooth the snake which watching the coastal I acn believe. And for those who crap on this suggestion every thread... try it before you comment.

Haha you know what? I'll actually give that a shot :) thanks.
Let me know how you go, it certainly won't do any harm. :)

Alright so i gave it a shot and it worked to a certain extent. When i put him in the tub it stuck its head under water and stayed that way for a few seconds until i panicked and thought i'd killed it and lifted it out. It still has its head to go, it looks like its still stuck on pretty well.. i cant seem to get it off. :( Quite worried now! I think i've stressed the poor bugger out enough for now, i'll try again in a little while.
First of all he would have been fine, he had his head under so that the skin would loosen off. Like any critter it won't deliberately drown itself. Especially if the water is just deep enough for their body to be submerged. You can also use the wet teabag as a type of sponge/loufre to help get it off.
ok so its back in the tub now, how long should i let him soak in there for? He's keeping his head out of the water now.. but thats the part that needs to come off :(
First of all he would have been fine, he had his head under so that the skin would loosen off. Like any critter it won't deliberately drown itself. Especially if the water is just deep enough for their body to be submerged. You can also use the wet teabag as a type of sponge/loufre to help get it off.

2013-02-12 21.45.36.jpg

This is what im dealing with.. i just cant seem to get him to get the last bit off.. it actually rolls up towards his nose.. so i really dont know what to do :(
Time for one of the experienced guys to chime in but I think you just need to persevere... is that all the retained shed that is left?

Have you got any mates who live near by with more handling experience than yourself?
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Time for one of the experienced guys to chime in but I think you just need to persevere... is that all the retained shed that is left?

Have you got any ates who live near by with more handling experience than yourself?

Yeah thats it, just that little bit there, the rest came off nice and easy. Nope, just myself. I've tried holding his head hoping he'll move through it, whcih he does but the shed doesnt budge. If i cant get it off tonight ill take him into Dr Shane Simpson the reptile vet and get him to help out, i dont mind paying to put my mind at ease. I'm starting to stress now.
Stay and watch how he does it just in case you ever need to do it again in the future. I know my friends with the Coastal would just swab away with a chamomile soaked washer or even the teabag itself and then work at it again but I appreciate your nerves I hated the first time I had to restrict my girls head to examine something up close. I'm glad the rest of the shed came off well for you.
Sorry havn't read the whole thread but what i would do is get a spray bottle (with warm water to reduce stress) and squirt the area where the retained skin is to loosen it up, get a damp cloth ready then restrain the head and just kinda rub/peel it off with the damp cloth/or fingers if u can. (sorry if this has been suggested already).
Or u could give him a feed to stretch the area and try peel the skin off whilst he's pre-occupied eating?
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