Chameleons Legal or Illegal in Australia

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New Member
May 7, 2006
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Hi everyone I have a quick question.

I was wondering if any breeds of Chameleons can be legally kept in Australia ?

Thanks everyone, I guessed they might be but found a mention of someone having one, and thought this would be a good place to ask.

What's the closest thing to a chameleon like pet ?? Gecko's ?
maybe a chameleon gecko? lol n i might edit your last post if i were you dont want to be mentiong freind with exotics on a oublic website . .
I was in a pet shop in Edinburgh at new chameleons about this coat pockets about this big...a return ticket to Aus....damn tempting, 'specially as they were cheap as. Bottom line is for the benefit of the millions of wild herps out there its best if we just put our dreams of chameleons and other exotics to rest.
I didn't know the person, it was a photo I found on the internet that seemed to suggest they lived in australia.. they were probably lying (or as you say doing the wrong thing). But I actually don't know anyone with a pet reptile, hence why I visited here to find people in the know.
jack said:
I was in a pet shop in Edinburgh at new chameleons about this coat pockets about this big...a return ticket to Aus....damn tempting, 'specially as they were cheap as. Bottom line is for the benefit of the millions of wild herps out there its best if we just put our dreams of chameleons and other exotics to rest.

So I can move to Scotland and then I can have some gorgeous pets!
ahh got ya :wink: do you have the pic now? or can you post it?
it is almost worth the crappy weather when you see what is available in europe alpha-7. But realy, aside from chameleons and a few other species your better off here though, aussie herps are the best.
Spike14 said:
ahh got ya :wink: do you have the pic now? or can you post it?

Hope this works - Note the image isn't mine and can be found here
there are chamelion dragons in australia havnt heard of anyone keeping them tho
Call me crazy, but, Get a ticket to Scotland say 2 grand. Tee up some cheap accom and a car (online) over there for a few months say allow another 2 grand. Get a visa that lets you do some part time work over there. Jump on the big silver bird, buy your cheap cham. Have him, love him for the duration of your visa, see a bit of Scotland on the side, duck across to Europe in the meantime and see what they're doin', sell the cham back and come home as an ex owner of a beaut rep. Better than never having loved at all. And probably about the same cost as having got one here if they were to be legalised.

Iv'e oversimplified that haven't I?

Name witheld to avoid embarrasment

Best regards
haha, believe it or not, i think a few of our herpers out there have let exotics 'influence their decision to spend some time in the UK.
thats a veiled chameleon, very nice animals. i had a female. sadly enough as said above not legal and its not worth risking all the unique ecosystems that exhist in aus just to get to keep an exotic.

Just let them go Moose.
Plenty of people from here have categorically stated that there is no way they could ever become a problem.
Or just about anywhere in the world apart from here. :wink:

Alpha_7 said:
So I can move to Scotland and then I can have some gorgeous pets!
Plenty of people from here have categorically stated that there is no way they could ever become a problem.

imo they wouldn't be able to survive melbournes winters. also imo they should do something like southafrica and classify exotic species as not a threat, threat and unknown. something for example a galopgase giant tortoise is a definate not a threat while red eared sliders would be.

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