Equine Influenza

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Yeah I just got my ends mixed up. One of the stallys was 500k. My bad :p
Equine Influenza is similar to Influenza (flu) in humans.

High morbidity but low mortality meaning a high number of horses exposed to the virus will become infected but not many will die. Foals and animals that are already immunocomprimised may die from it, as like in humans with the elderly and young children.

This is the first time that Australia has ever been infected and all horses are naive to this virus. It is easily spread thru fomites ie horse handlers, trainers, buckets, saddles etc

My friends horse has come down with it at Centennial park and one horse has died there showing convulsions before death but the cause was not confirmed as influenza.

We have been studying this within the last week at uni and most of the vets being quoted on tv and in the papers have been giving us lectures. Last Friday one of the vets gave us the inside goss b4 the proverbial hit the fan :p
Horsy, keep a close eye on your little rescue case (cant remember his name) if any of your horses are going to be affected, it will be more serious for him. As mentioned above, its rarely fatal, only to horses with immune deficiences (young foals and aged horses usually) and 99% of horses recover without any side effects. The problem lies more in bringing horses back into work before they are fully recovered, this leads to further problems down the track.
So far I have gotten away with it. I had my girls at the ranch ODE near maitland where about 50 horses caught it, so I was very lucky that my girls are fine (touchwood)
I still cant believe it when I see people with horses in floats, know of a few people that have been reported to the DPI, its idiots like that that think it doesnt affect them that are spreading it! ggrrrrr.

My friends horse has come down with it at Centennial park and one horse has died there showing convulsions before death but the cause was not confirmed as influenza.
:shock: Poor things.. :(

How could the quarantine (sp?) not have cleared any chance of this outbreak with all the international stud horses coming in? Bah! Stupid eager humans.
SMH has the NSW Minister for Primary Industries saying that the virus is the H3N8 strain. Which is the one that jumped to dogs in America, then spread from dog to dog. In that outbreak there was apparently a 5-8% mortality rate in dogs.

Exact same virus which is responsible for a lot of dog deaths. I bloody hope they manage to contain it.
The same thing happened in Towsnville, canned the Amatures on the weekend but still had the party, LOL
just wondering if anyone else actually depends on this sort of thing for their lively hood though?
i work at the track and this is my full time job, i only get paid for what i do so now that we arnt allowed to do general work they have set off a heap of workers. my income for my horses is gained from this job and i am lucky to only be in a small stable so my job is pretty secure but imagine all the others that are stuck now.
bel : )
I hadn't realised it was so serious. Haven't had time to watch the news. I was planning moving some horses over the next week or so until a lady told me today that it won't be lifted until early September. Is that correct? She's a breeder so I thought she would know.
Mystery, it is true, the ban is indefinate atm, so you wont be moving your horses anywhere for awhile yet.

Did anyone listen to Hamish and andy yesterday at 4pm???? LoL, they were calling it the "Horsey Flu".....

Sorry to anyone that has horses with symptoms of the Influenza, good luck
Imagine if the melbourne cup is cancelled, how much money the betters will lose 0_o
see we arnt allowed to import a burmese python but they allow the importation of infected horses ......shakes head. :p
They didn't know they were infected but.

I'm sure glad I got my brumby down last week before all this happened. We had a horse at the agistment center become very stiff and sore yesterday and was lame on all four legs plus wincing everytime you touched his neck and back. I read muscle stiffness was a sympton of the influenza. They think he just foundered though because he's old and fat. Hopefully that's the case. They had a vet come out yesterday so I'll find out tomorrow.
see we arnt allowed to import a burmese python but they allow the importation of infected horses ......shakes head. :p

I'm sure if the trade and breeding of burmese pythons was worth tens of millions of dollars to the Australian economy then there would be no problem in importing them ;)
I'm sure if the trade and breeding of burmese pythons was worth tens of millions of dollars to the Australian economy then there would be no problem in importing them ;)

ah but they'd still enforce the 4 months quarantine they obviously didn't do that for the horses. hahah so much for million sof dollars af all the horses get a disease that kills them. i doutb we'd find such a lax with importing cattle form an area that has had mad cow disease.

but thats jsut my opinion:p
I'm sure if the trade and breeding of burmese pythons was worth tens of millions of dollars to the Australian economy then there would be no problem in importing them ;)

ooops apparently horse industry is worth $8 billion dollars to the Australian economy. Whats a couple of billion dollars when you're working in those figures :D
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