Equine Influenza

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The first care of Equine Influenza

Heard on the radio this monring that they spoke to the owner of the farm where the first case of Equine Influenza came from.

His name was Jeff McDonald and he was from a farm in North East NSW.

When they spoke to him and told him that he started the Equine Influenza also know as E.I.,
All the old McDonald the farmer could say was...................wait for ...................................................................................................EI........EI................OH:lol::lol::lol:

Heard that on triple M this morning
Some stallions Redoute's Choice (270k) and Encosta De Lago (230k) have huge service fees.
Those two alone will serve 100 mares in a season.
Do the maths.
I'd like a share.
Some stallions Redoute's Choice (270k) and Encosta De Lago (230k) have huge service fees.
Those two alone will serve 100 mares in a season.
Do the maths.
I'd like a share.

yep huge service fee's adn these horses are sitting their doing nothing losign the owners money becuase people put money before the health of their horse. and not only are they losign money because of it they have brounght the whole industry in australia to a stop. they knew that japan was already in the grip of an outbreak and yet they still allow a horse over. it seems like peopel just got greedy to me.
Vicmorrow, they can do more than that.

De Lago (I thought it was 220k) can do 5 a day, and a breeding season is 50 days... that is a lot more than 100 ;)

Everyone, I'll reitterate, horses are NOT the only animal this can infect. Dogs HAVE been effected (it mutates?) in America and unlike horses, in dogs it has a 5-8% mortality rate.
They would sure want to have good insurance :shock:
just wondering if anyone else actually depends on this sort of thing for their lively hood though?
i work at the track and this is my full time job, i only get paid for what i do so now that we arnt allowed to do general work they have set off a heap of workers. my income for my horses is gained from this job and i am lucky to only be in a small stable so my job is pretty secure but imagine all the others that are stuck now.
bel : )

I hardly think they'll be laying off workers.. Because then when the flu is gone and horses can be moved/raced again, they won't have any workers and will have to re-hire.

We have a horse prac on Friday for uni out at Gatton, and we need to fully disinfect etc before and after to make sure nobody's brought it with them from horses at home. Uni also screwed up and brought dead horses in yesterday for prac without thinking.. They tested them and called the DPI and stuff, so it's OK but could've been terrible!!! Dunno what we'll do next week when we need fresh horses but..

It'll work out. And it generally isn't deadly. Though it certainly can be with complications (much the same as human flu)
Have just found out that a horse on the property next to where Jack is kept has just been tested after showing symptoms. Apparently it was taken for a lesson at Mindon sometime over the last week. Will find out in 2 days whether the horse has it or not. If it does it will certainly run through our stables.
Up at Warwick the vets are actually trying to infect all the horses as quickly as possible as it's so contagious they will all get it, and they want to get it out of the way quickly, rather than dragging it out.
Horsy, what was the hotline number you called?
I heard today that no horses will be allowed to be moved until there is no confimed case for 28 days.
What's the fine for moving horses about ? Saw a big yeeha horse float pulled over north of Scone yesterday by the coppers :(
Thanks for the correction Midol.
My post was just a broad statement to give people a rough idea why the stallions are so valuable.
And at 220k a service I would still love a share.;)
nuthn2do, the fine is $44,000, though in a press release given by the police, it was stated that most people are just given a warning and are either sent back to where they came from OR were told to go straight to where they were going!!! ***!!!! You DONT want them to get to where they are going you twit, thats hows its spread!! Honestly....
Graftonchic, that sounds about right, its a 30 day quarantine once the last horse in the affected area has had it. I know lots of our NSW eventers are stuck at Warwick for at least the next 30 days, so Id say it would be 30 days after the last affected horse is reported to the DPI
Saz, I dont have the number on me (they called me, I didnt have to call them), have it written down at home, but go to the Dept of ag NSW website and all the info is there.

haha the horse pracs at gatton are boring anyway. :p what course ya doing?
My horse prac this Friday got cancelled as well out at Gatton (vet). Thank you equine flu, for allowing me to sleep in!!!
They've found a case or two around Kenmore/Pullenvale in Brissy now apparently. Spreads like wildfire.
My horse prac this Friday got cancelled as well out at Gatton (vet). Thank you equine flu, for allowing me to sleep in!!!
They've found a case or two around Kenmore/Pullenvale in Brissy now apparently. Spreads like wildfire.
At least some good has come from it, I guess it could also help sort out some of the brumbies too...
At least some good has come from it, I guess it could also help sort out some of the brumbies too...
Except that it normally isn't fatal, and they'd spread it even further as they can't be contained to a property.. And they'd act as reservoir hosts (much like buffalos with TB)... So, we'd wanna hope they don't get it.
The Catlle industry within australia uses NLIS tags to track all head of cattle within australia. This means that if an animal came down with say Foot and Mouth. Then the industry has the ability to trace ALL beasts the infected one had been in contact with can be tracked down and quaratined or destroyed.
does the equine industry have anything like that?
does anyone know?
any comment woud be great.
The Catlle industry within australia uses NLIS tags to track all head of cattle within australia. This means that if an animal came down with say Foot and Mouth. Then the industry has the ability to trace ALL beasts the infected one had been in contact with can be tracked down and quaratined or destroyed.
does the equine industry have anything like that?
does anyone know?
any comment woud be great.
Nah equine industry doesn't have that as they aren't production animals, so disease outbreaks aren't regarded quite so disasterous (before flaming: I only mean to the country's economy, like exports etc).
Also most horses are owned by people who ride them for pleasure, and only own one horse, as opposed to 1000s of cattle that need to be ID'd correctly for the farmer to get paid.
thanks for the insight
just seems like such a simple thing that could prevent disaster.
to the economy i understand it isnt the same. but the money that will be lost by big studs and the racing industry in general will be gargantuous.
god i hope this puts melbourne cup day a week late or something.. simply because i dont want to miss out on my works free drink-up as i will be on a weeks leave in surfers for that week.. alothugh i cant have my cake and eat it too i guess.
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Yeah but you'd have to install scanners at every race track, every show ground, scan every horse, get its details and movement plans... Logistics are huge!
With cattle, they have a scanner at an abbatoir, at a feedlot, maybe at a transfer point.. and that's it, all cool and easy.
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