Getting Fat?

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New Member
Sep 21, 2011
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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Hi There,

I have a for and half year old Jungle Carpet and I feed her a large rat every 12 or so days and took this photo today because I think I maybe over feeding her as she is looking portly :) Am I wrong or just over worried? Usually when she starts roaming around her enclosure I find that she is hungriest.


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Not sure mate, but you're enclosure looks pretty dirty. Do you use substrate? If not, Kritters Krumble is a good choice
Not overweight in my opinion, every 12 days sounds good as a schedule for her age.
I'd be inclined to knock it back to once every 2-3 weeks, perhaps alternating that cycle. The snake looks very "robust" but could benefit from slightly less feeding over the long-term.

Just like humans once an animal has finished growing surplus food is deposited as fat. Morelia mature at about 4 years so less frequent feeding or reduced feed size will help reduce the overweight girth. Substrate can cover up a multitude of sins, but if you are happy with the look I think a dust free floor is best.
While it still has a nice slow taper to the tail it looks ok, it is when the tail looks like the wriggler on a Death Adder you should start worrying. :) ...................Ron
Agree with BredliFreak, you really need a substrate and to keep up regular cleaning to avoid any illnesses.. I personally just use newspaper, its very hygienic but not as pleasing to the eye.... However looks like a healthy snake to me mate.
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