help identifying snake

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May 1, 2011
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hey guys im new here to this forum just joine now we recently moved to caboolture in brisbane qld we know absolutely nothing about snakes and tonight we found this one in our house our cat had it in his mouth so i got it out of his mouth but am unsure wat it is our neighour said it is a baby brown snake and that scared the **** out of us could someone please tell me what they think it is and would there be anymore in the house ect really worried as we have 2 guienea pigs outside 10 parrots and 2 cats

pics might be a bit blurry but any help would be appreciated


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well i cant id it but what types of parrots???
does it look like at all a baby brown and we have a alexandrian parrot a galah a male and female eclectus parrot a indian ringneck a cockatiel and 4 lorikeets
Why the hell are you handling it if your neighbor thinks it's a baby brown? Your more game than me!!!! just release it back into the wild away from your house and all should be fine... Is there any damage from the cat, if there is contact a professional who can care for it until it is well enough for release.
Do you have any other pics? From the side it kind of looks like a blue Common Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata).
But I'm most likely wrong!
looks like a rough scale or keelback but the midbody scales throw me
our cats are inside cats and no i dont have any other pics sorry that is my neighour in the pic i wouldnt touch them lol and yeah he took it down the bush and released it there
cool i got a pair of bourks today and i have 15 budgies a handreard cockatil and bourks i you could get closer pic of the sides and head it would help
It's hard to be sure from those photos and that angle, but the head color does seem to suggest it is indeed a baby brown. Best to show it the respect a brown deserves and play safe.

Hatchlings when leaving the nest can travel a fairly long way in a relatively short time for their size, many get quickly picked off by birds and predators, but if the nest is close by their could be more or this is the only one.
a rough scale and keel back are two different species, the rough scale is poisonous but a keelback is harmless, very similar looking
a front fanged venomous snake
it is a family like pythons and colubrids etc
thanks mate would it be a one off do u reckon the mum will be somewhere in house to or no i cant find useful info the net
nope mum wouldnt be in the house, there is probably plenty of snakes around but you never see them outside, they see you alot longer before you see them. they will try keep clear of ya
thanks mate makes me feel alot better knowing that cheers
it is not a brown snake it is to robust for that species. the photos are too blurry for a conclusive id, but the body patterning is indicative of either a keelback or Rough Scaled Snake, both of which are on the Sunshine Coast.
Scott Eipper
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