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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
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Hi everyone,

I have been a quiet member of your group for a few months now. I thought I'd introduce myself.

I haven't introduced myself before as I don't actually keep snakes or Pythons, so can't contribute to the snake talk. I do have a fair few geckos though, all of which I love to bits. I am new to herps, I got my first pair of geckos in August. They proved to be very very addictive, so I now have a room devoted to them, hehehe!

I am hoping that by next season I have managed to convince my hubby that a python wouldn't try to squeeze him to death in his sleep, and hopefully will have enough knowledge by then to care for a pair of pythons or snakes (I rather like the look of those green tree snakes!)

Hi Saz.

Have you joined a herp group yet? And nif you want to buy a python the best people in the country to get one from are right here.


Welcome Saz, hope you enjoy the forum. If you can manage gecks, snakes are easy :wink:
That's great to know Pete. Definitely won't be until next year, but I really do want to get a pair of either pythons or snakes. Will be fun decided which species, finding the right ones and learning all about them!

Thanks for the welcome

Hehehe! The gex take up a lot of my time, but I love every minute of it, even the poop-a-scooping. Next to my horse's 'presents' gecko poo is stuff made in heaven, no shovel and wheelbarrow necessary, hehehe!
I'm in Brissy. I hear you guys are having a hard time of it with the heat in Vic at the moment? I'm an import (pomme!) so I really have issues with the heat. As far as I'm concerned if it was winter all year round I'd be happy, hehehe!!

Only thing is that Vic herpers are very restricted in the species of gecko they are allowed to keep. See...have actually considered it, hehehe!
Saz said:
Only thing is that Vic herpers are very restricted in the species of gecko they are allowed to keep. See...have actually considered it, hehehe!

I think they can have crocs though????
I'd find myself single very quickly if I even mentioned having a croc as a pet! Would be funny to suggest it, just to see his reaction. He's used to me and my weird pets, but I think that would be seriously pushing the envelope, hehehe!
So Saz, does that mean you would like a husband who would want a croc. I wish my wife was like you. We would live in Adelaide for sure, on 10 acres, with the best herp collection you could imagine. Damn women and families!!!!

And yes, I reckon Melbourne is worth living in just for the Crocs and grand Prix. Oh, and the fact you can get places quick. I live in Sydney, so does Alexr but we are about 75kms away from each other!!!
I wouldn't mind a croc! Not sure I'd be game to clean out the enclosure though! It'd be less dangerous than having a tiger, and I would LOVE a pair of those, hehehe!

Actually my partner is pretty game. He has put up with a lot to be honest. We plan to buy our own property in a couple of years time. It will need to have at least ten acres as I have my horse, Jack, and will need enough to keep him and a friend on. I also want to build an outdoor floodlit sand arena, stables etc.

However, the great thing is that he has agreed to build outside pits and enclosures for dragons and monitors! I would actually love to get them now, but we don't have the room here to care for them properly. Geckos are about the biggest thing I can manage at the moment, hehehe!

I think he will come round to pythons and snakes. I keep slipping in how gorgeous they are and showing him pickies on the web!

Thing is having bred and kept mice, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits etc in the past, there is absolutely NO WAY I could feed live, which I'm hoping would never be a problem. That is the thing that scares me most about keeping snakes and pythons, the feeding part. It seems that so many of them have eating disorders! They seem worse than teenage girls. That's the great thing about geckos though. You can't stop them eating. My Levis are what you might call overweight!

Hi Saz,
Welcome to the site
As you know our weather up here hasn't been the kindest lately :D & will last longer than Vic, where it will probably snow on Monday!! :roll:
Hey Saz, you say you can;t feed live. Thats great. So who is going to kill them? You? maybe you will have to be like me and buy frozen rodents. I am an idiot when it comes to rodents.

I dont like the idea of raising an animal and then handing it over to a snake. Especially after I have earned the animals trust - and then how do I pay it back - gooone. I feel it is a breach of trust.

You see, if you catch a wild animal. it expects you to kill it. It fights and whatever to stop you doing it. I don;t have an ethical dilemna catching a wild starling and killing it. That is the way of life.

But if you raise an animal it trusts you totally. You work hard to earn that trust. Then you reward that animal for trusting you by feeding it. Yes I know we do it with lambs and I have no issue at all with anyone that does it. Not one bit.

Maybe its just because I am an accountant and it would be the same as ripping my clients off. They have to trust me totally or we can't have a relationship. I could never breach that trust. But if I am selling a car in the trading post then that relationship is different. Just like the wild animal. the person buying my car doesn't expect the level of trust they can get from me as their accountant.

sorry, but my posts go a bit off the rails after 10pm on a Friday night.....
Whay not Sdaji. Surely I am no different to every other bugger that might try to sell you one. Oh, but at least I dont kill off my rodents!!!
Hehehe! Yes, you're right. Christmas eve and Christmas day were just killers. Ughhhh. Your not far away from me, I'm in Moggill. Small world huh!

Yes, will definitely have to feed thawed mice/rats. Just can't kill them myself. I know people say, but what would you do if you had to kill an animal to eat meat. Simple, I'd wouldn't eat meat. Funny though, being brought up on a farm, I don't have a problem with dead animals, it's just the killing bit I can't abide.

It's just on my list of things I can't bring myself to do, along with bungee jumping, sky diving and eating oysters.
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