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Dec 29, 2017
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Sorry didn't know what to title this?

I recently got a little Blue Tongue Skink a couple of days ago and have named them Alduin. I've been trying not to disturb Alduin but tonight had to take them out of the tank for a moment to swap UV bulb. The tube bulb had a problem with it so I got a new one.

The bulb is suspended in the tank so that Alduin can get close to it (as Skinks don't climb like snakes/dragons?) and I didn't want to change it while Alduin was in the tank... just in case!

Anyway got them out, my Mum was feeding them a couple of snails to keep them happy while I changed the bulb. Long story short Alduin accidentally grabbed her finger instead of the snail and she reflex pulled her hand away. She didn't mean to! Just freaked out and her reflex reaction was to yank her hand away. Little Alduin has been holding onto her finger and got flung across the room, roughly 2 metres I'd say?
They hit the wall with a loud thump and I instantly ran over and picked them up.

I held them for a while and they seemed okay, walking and using all legs, no hissing or huffing, no lethargy or balance problems. They seemed fine. I offered them some strawberries and snails but they wouldn't take them, first red flag as they are an absolute gutts!!!

They also did a poo on me despite already doing one today. The poo was pretty sloppy and smelt had (unlike the one today) but there was no sign of blood in it. I assumed this was from shock/fear.

I've put them back in the tank and they're currently inside the hide.

My question is:
Should I take them to a Vet tomorrow to get checked/X-rayed even though they seem fine?
I've checked Alduin over and they don't hiss or seem upset if I poke their ribs, legs, or anywhere else. I've checked Alduin's eyes, mouth, nose and vent and there is no visible blood. No visible bruising or discolouration on them either.

I know reptiles are experts at hiding pain. Do you think Alduin is hurt or just extremely lucky? I'll gladly take them to a Vet if any of you think that's necessary.

Thank you all so much for reading and any available advice, means the world to me.
Blue Tongues are extremely hardy. Although it seems yours has taken a fairly rough hit I would treat it with observation at this point.

Any bleeding from the mouth or nostrils and some urgent attention would be warranted.
Thank you so much! It makes me feel a lot better hearing that, despite the hard hit.

Roughy how long do you think it would take for them to start bleeding if so? I'll observe them over the next couple of days and if I see any blood I'll definately take them to a Vet.

Is there anything a Vet can do if they do have an internal injury? Or will I have to prepare myself for a goodbye?

Thank you so much for such a quick response, it's helped me calm down a bit
I'm sorry, I'm not a vet and I'm only responding in a very general sense.

The onus is on you if you see symptoms that are not normal and respond with a visit to the vet, which I'm glad to see you are willing to do.

Hope all turns out to be OK.
Thank you so much once again, I really appreciate everything you've said.
If you took tumble down the last two steps of a flight of stairs, would you feel like eating even if your favourite food was offered to you? So I would not view that as a red flag.

You have to expect at least a measure of bruising as the minimal injury sustained. Minor blood vessels that have been ruptured are quick to seal themselves. Just like humans, when you have a minor cut. Intermediate to major blood vessels take much longer, if they are able to re-seal themselves at all. Significant blood loss from such an injury (i.e. internal bleeding) would become apparent within 24 hours via at least one of the bodily orifices.

If it is only a case of bruising, you can expect a return to fairly normal behaviour within 24 to 48 hr. If any bones were broken, then this will alter its normal range of movements and will require an x-ray.

Reptiles have a resilience to recover from some horrific injuries in nature, so I would not be too concerned at this point in time. I am not a vet but do have a BSc degree in biological science from Sydney Uni and have taught general biology and human anatomy and physiology for many years. In addition to that I have friend who is a reptile vet, with whom I have had many long and interesting discussion. So the information I have provided above is a guide only and not based on actual veterinary experience.
Thank you so much for your response and information.

I have a chronic pain disorder so guess I'm just used to eating in pain lol! Whenever an animal goes off their food I usually freak, so is good to know it should be all fine.

Al just ate a Silkie a couple of minutes ago anyway, although they hissed and got super agitated around the snail I offered next (thing they'd been eating when hurt). I offered them another Silkie and used it to draw them out of the hide, they happily ran over and ate it. Al moved perfectly fine and seemed alright, I couldn't see any blood or discolouration so have gone to bed a lot more settled, of course I'm still going to keep a very close eye on them though!

I didn't quite see the fall as it happened so fast, but they landed on a container of crickets not far off the wall where they hit if my memory serves correct. So although they had a bad throw their fall wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been!

It obviously hasn't been 24 hours yet, so I'll check tomorrow and make sure there is no visible blood. I'm at peace knowing Alduin is at least moving about and had some food, I take that as a good sigh but of course I'll keep a critical eye on them and assess Al again tomorrow.

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me all of this!!! It has definately helped me feel a lot better. I was considering ringing my Vet tomorrow and seeing if I could get ahold of her just to ask some questions. Knowing all this now will help me point out warning signs to her if I think there are any, or if I think Alduin is fine I just won't call.

Thank you so much once again, I am so appreciative of all your help!
Wally provided the basic advice and all I did was add in a few explanatory details. Thanks for getting back to us with an update. It sounds like he is going to be fine and just needs a little time to recover fully from the shock and stress.

I’d hold off on offering snails for a couple of weeks as it seems like he now associates snails with being flung across the room. When you do introduce one again, mix it in with the vegies or pet meat that you also feed him and give him time and space to get used to it on his terms. You may have to do that a few times until he is convinced they are no longer a threat to him.

I am sure I speak for Wally as well when I say it’s good to see you get a better start to the new year than it was shaping up to be yesterday.

Happy New Year
Thank you to both of you once again for all of the help!

Alduin has been up and about, crawling around the tank and drinking water. They ate some crickets, veggies, and chicken dog food today so I'm very pleased they seem to be doing a lot better! I checked them over and no blood, no bruising, no tenderness anywhere. I'm still keeping an eye out of course. I'll definately do that with the snails, thank you for the advice!

Thank you once again and I'm so relived Alduin is doing better. Was incredibly scary and guilty watching it happen even if it was a freak accident.
Thank you so much and a Happy New Year to you as well!
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