LITTLE DESERT NATIONAL PARK any one wanna come ???

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Sorry mate not from that neck of the woods! Try googling the area usally comes up with maps! or try 4x4 books they usally have some good stuff in them!
I must admit, I've also been bogged pretty severely in the Little Desert :lol: I spent over an hour trying to get out, gave up, went to sleep, woke up, spent over an hour digging myself out and was on my way again. I saw four Bardicks that night, and other critters, so it was more than worth it :)

I'd be pretty embarrassed if I'd called for the SES :lol:
I didnt call them i called the local caravan park to see if they knew anyone who could help , i called the ses group leader didnt I , his exact words where this is going to be good training ill send the boyus out in halfer!!! so i really had no choice

does anyone else seem to think they are seeing less and less in victoria??
Bardicks were always a special find although I only ever found one. Just as I remember too you get three types of monitors there. Lacies mostly along the river tree line in the eastern block and it seems like gouldi everywhere else but every now and then you would find rosenbergi. Just as I left someone from a uni was looking into the relationship between gouldi and rosenbergi within the park. You have a strong population of rosenbergi at mount arapiles and the another up in the big desert.
have you got any photo's was think of going up there in a couple of months when I am on holiday. But I don't own a 4X4 so will have to stick to the main tracks unfortunately:cry: But still would love to see half the creatures you did:lol:
i only took photos of a nasty lacey who didnt like photoes being taken looked pretty gravid and had some major trouble scalling a tree to get away
i was just up there for work the other day. Had my fingers crossed for a Bardick but no luck, we did get a scaley foot, DOR mitchells short-tail and my first norrisi dragon.
yeah look i have admitted that im not the worlds best 4x4 driver adn no i didnt let the air out of my tyres but im never going on sand again so its all good !!
Hi Gday all its real great to see so many enthusiastic herpos exiist in Aus, 40 years ago I used to look for herps in the bush and never ever met anyone who was interested in reps they only wanted to run them over to my disgust., Sorry to here about the heat wave .its the reverse here2day its snowing this morning . and I am getting worried that my plane to Perth this wednesday for a fishing/ herp trip is gonna be cancelled . keith
give it a go with lower tyre pressures, youll be amazed at the diff, the smaller 4x4s are better for the sand due to less weight, so they "float" on the sand, so your 4x4 should be able to do it with ease.. ive seen vitaras, sierras and the rest get up some pretty steep sand tracks (the only reason i attempted it myself)... just remember not to wrap ya thumbs around the steering wheel,
I don't think I'm game after the traumatic experience I went through LOL that's why I figures I would be ok , meh live and learn next trip planned soon so anyone coming I won't be driving anymore though LOL
Some happy snaps from 2006.

We were camping over the cup day weekend.

I little dragon whose name escapes me at the moment. We saw quite a few of them.


Got to love the emus walking through the camp site in a line a couple of times per day.

... and kookas overlooking the water hole in the river bed where swam to escape the heat.

Steaks over the open fire with scalloped potatoes and sautéed onions. We like to eat well when camping.

and roos ... don't know what they were eating. I could not see anything... and this was back in 2006.

This girl was on our firewood. Her body had a diameter larger than a 5 cent piece. Biggest I have ever seen.

I have no idea what kind of bird this is. Anyone care to enlighten me?

Trader being memorised by some Aussie kitsch on the way home.

I love the desert parks they are quite something else!
That dragon is the Norris Dragon or some called it Mallee Tree Dragon Amphibolurus norrisi.


I was thinking Mallee Dragon but that did not seem quite right. I knew that I originally assumed it was a juvie jackie dragon but learned that that was not correct.
The little bird is one of the species of Pardalotes just not too sure which species from that pic possibly a Spotted Pardalote.
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