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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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quick question what is the most expensive reptile out there and what is the cheapers
what is the most common and the what do you think is the best reptile out there

green tree python is by far the most expensive snake or a rough scale is and the cheapest would be coastal or childreni
Most expensive would probably be one of the albino pythons, the cheapest would be hatchling EWDs or Blueys (or Beardies, if you're lucky).

Commonest would probably be Beardies.

Best is debatable. Depends on what you call 'good'.


expensive - GTP
cheapest - marbled gecko
The albino olives and rough scale pythons seem to be pretty expensive, but i still looooooooooove the GTP. AND it has nothing to do with my love for Fords either!!!!!!! BHP's would be a favourite too.

I think nephurus geckos are very popular atm, whenever someone posts pics everyone just turns to goo.
But personally I love monitors the best because of there personalities, out of skinks i love egernia species and everyone knows i love my bluetongues heaps as well, oh and I'd love a green tree snake and like vens as well, but apart from them I like all herps equally (except I don't know what everyone sees in bredlis but thats just me)

Cheapest monitor is probably storrs or ackies.
6mth old female albino olive on herptrader - $15k. Imagine how much an adult would be!
The most expensive snake bought as a hatchling in Australia would be the Albino Olive python IMO, followed by the Rough scaled python.
As far as older animals goes, GTP's have been selling for a good price recently, but there has been no older albino Olives or Roughies for sale to compare against.
The cheapest reptile out there is probably the Bearded dragon or water dragon going on what I have seen recently for sale.
The cheapest snake would probably be as Alby stated, a Coastal or Childrens python.
The bearded dragon is probably the most commonly kept reptile IMO.

I think that Woma's are one of the best Reptile's available in Australia, although I do like some of the Death adders to, they are stunning.

hey i have just had a thoght didnt that guy the other day buy his red bellies for $30 each nows thts cheap
The womas are great Neil but when people tell me they are Australia's friendliest snake, somone forgot to mention that to a certain adult male woma thats here. No warning, no nothing before he takes a taste test. My others are just beautiful though! I really can't choose a favourite between them and my BHP.

According to the NSW NPWS returns for 2005, the most copmmonly kept reptile is the Eastern Bluetongue with 3553 individuals kept by 951 licence holders.


New pic simone, is it a new Tattoo?

Sorry for hyjacking the thread

Most expencive : albino python, rough scaled python or white lipped python.
Cheapest :Green tree frog (i know not a reptile) and blue tounge.
Most common : Coastal python or bearded dragon.
Best : bearded dragon (because they have great personalities).
Re: RE: most expensive

jimmy_the_kid said:
Most expencive : albino python, rough scaled python or white lipped python.

Just one of intrest, i havnt see or heard of White Lips for sale in Australia.

Where have you seen them and at what price?

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