Problem feeder finally got his appetite back...

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2012
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South Australia
Just thought I'd let you guys know after another 1.5 months my problem feeder MD has finally got his appetite back. Had gone off his food for months before this episode also.

What finally did the trick - Wooiles Homebrand Tuna Chucks In Oil. But I assume any tin of Tuna will do the trick.

Even when the Rat wasn't daggled in front of him he was up and ready to go - Within literaly 2 seconds (if that) of the Rat (now with Tuna Oil covering it's head) he struck and coiled it.

I did try feeding him the Rat like usual (thawed out in hot water) but he didn't want a bar of it. I have tried every trick in the book and this was the last straw before trying live food.

Now that he's feeding again... Should I power feed him to catch him back up to his sister?

As a refference his sister is on Medium Adult Rats every 10 days - She is about 4ft long and I'd say 500g or so at a guess.

He just took a Weaner Rat but has been on Fuzzy or Hopper Rats on the odd occassion he actually wanted to eat - He is about 2ft and weighs bugger all in comparison.

Thoughts? Thanks guys.
Thanks Great news i once had a problem feeder that after a year i tried a basically frozen mouse and to my surprise he ate it lol some snakes are just a bite different :) i really love the trouble ones gives me more reason to spend in the shed :) tuna is good just use it to help him gain weight but slow reduce the amount you use each time to wean him off it ;)
i would go every 7 days and if he handles that well get his old belly moving again then consider 5 days :)
pinky hippo?? <that made me laugh so much food is food any way as long as they eat :)
Turns out I spoke too soon. He had probably 1/4 - 1/2 of the Rat down but he has regurgitated it... :(. He was eating it backwards too.
Should I leave it in overnight and check in the morning?
After you get him eating again I'll send ya 2 your magic on them, lol. (I know I can't do that).

Oi! Such a pain

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Well unfortunately me didn't end up having a second attempt at the Weaner Rat. Dammit, was so close.
I guess all I can do is try the same method again in 5-7 days but with a smaller meal (Fuzzy or Hopper Rat).

I still don't understand that my other two eat like pigs and he is like this, yet they are all kept in the exact same conditions.
My trick to getting problem feeders to eat is quail.

Get any age frozen quail you can get, regardless of size just what ever is cheapest. Snap off its head. Throw it into a snap lock bag with your feeder (best going something a size down from what they were on to get their stomach back into the rhythm) and let it defrost all day. Let it marinade in the yucky bird juice and it will be damn near irresistible.

My young GTP hadn't eaten in 3 months and as soon as the quail soup covered rat was offered, he couldn't get enough of it! Beware though, he will only eat quaily mice now, but I'm not fussed as it keeps him eating.
So I thought i would update this...

I offered him a Fuzzy Rat tonight and he struck and coiled it and attempted to eat it... All be it side on and then kind of backwards. He gave up again though.
On the plus side I used only hot water this time... Although I had some Tuna beside it just in case.

Still don't understand why he gives up on his food... No way the Fuzzy was too big for him.

Any ideas?

PS: All the pet shops I've tried don't sell Quail, so that idea is kinda out the window. :(
So I thought i would update this...

I offered him a Fuzzy Rat tonight and he struck and coiled it and attempted to eat it... All be it side on and then kind of backwards. He gave up again though.
On the plus side I used only hot water this time... Although I had some Tuna beside it just in case.

Still don't understand why he gives up on his food... No way the Fuzzy was too big for him.

Any ideas?

PS: All the pet shops I've tried don't sell Quail, so that idea is kinda out the window. :(
i am still new to the reptile keeping game and dont have any experience with these issues (because my coastal wants to eat anything and everything)
But I have always had the plan in the back of my head for if i ever have a problem feeder: to try scenting with BBQ chicken. once i ate a chicken leg and before washing my hands I changed the coastals water bowl and you could see the interest in his eyes. it was obvious he wanted whatever was creating the delicious smell. Just a thought...cant get quail...try chicken? but like I said: Im no expert...just a thought
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