Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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this kid at my school said he owns 150 cobras and that the king cobra is so venoous that if it bites you , you will die instantly.he also said dont get anoother BHP and to get rid of the one i have because they whip you with there tails you will be paralized strait away because they use it like a scorpion.......the kid also lives in NZ and only comes here like once a month for school. lol

Lol that is just awesome and I honestly cannot stop laughing in my head :p
That is just... weird..

i got told the other day at the petshop by a lady that her daughter has a 8m carpet python at home and it ate her staffy my response was " i can fly and i have an invisible jet also " then i walked away

Ha ha, random.

hahaha oh man there are afew,
one guy came into my work bragging about how he was buying an african pit viper from australia zoo, all legit you know.
Then he showed me a photo of his GTP which clearly was taken off the Fine Green (in the uS) website. I asked him if it was a red neonate, he said yes. oh so it was a yellow baby? i then said
his reply, Yes


Lol, some people :/

Thanks for the laughs ^^
My story was from a so called "expert", obviously not. She has 5 Carpet Pythons, a woma and a Blue Tongue. I was asking her if she tell the gender of my beardie, only 2 weeks ago, she is 7 months, I am sure she is a female(watched many youtube vids and looked up, etc etc). She said she was a male for starters, anyways, I didnt believe it but just nodded. She really wanted to see my snakes though, so I showed her Monty, my dads Spotted, she thought she was really nice looking for a Spotted. But then I told her I had a BHP and she gasped and said "Oh no, they are poisonous and can kill you, they have rear fangs (coloubrid) and the black head means danger.... I was just in amazement at how rediculous it was lol. Anyway, the worst part is to come:
She said "The reason Woma's dont have the black head is because they are not poisonous and are a new species of black headed, people have bred the fangs and black head out of them"? I laughed in her face. Also yes she did say poisonous, not venomous which annoyed me as well.
I thought it was just a joke but she had a serious facial expression which kind of made me laugh harder :p She was buying an enclosure off me, hence why she was at my house.
This story my mum and sister keep telling me how my python ate my sisters bird.. Im always like 'omgggzz my python eats rats not budgies' lol, it did escape but
This story my mum and sister keep telling me how my python ate my sisters bird.. Im always like 'omgggzz my python eats rats not budgies' lol, it did escape but
haha it just might of eaten the bird does it get let out to fly around the house
well, my sister and i both have snakes we were talking about difrent snakes and ext....... then she go's " Do you know you can get a venomous PYTHON "

and i was told by this old guy that said 'i new a girl that lets her carpet python sleep next to her at night, until it went missing and then 2 weeks later the girl went missing'

...she was buying an enclosure off me...

Did she still buy the cage off you after you laughed in her face?
Maybe she didn't realised it?

Ah ah funny story about the Woma though!

When my 5yo first saw a Woma at Australia Zoo and said he really, really wanted one as pet, I said:
"no way, are you crazy? - can't you see its narrow head ?
Its defo venomous!"

Ah ah (being from Europe) I had no idea about Aussie snakes...

After many weeks of research we got a Woma as his first snake.

Looking back, I laugh at my self nowadays :)

P.S ...and about to acquire a second Woma, cause they're so dangerously addictive!

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OK so i decided to start a thread for people to add story's that are total bull that people against reptiles have told you to stop you from getting them. my most recent one is the my uncle story example one of my mates say i was talking to my uncle and he says he new a lady who had a carpet python and they found it laying next to her in the morning the story goes that the snake was sizing her up to eat here the following night so she had to have it put down before it ate her all in dramatic tone then if i comment about the fact there is no way the snake is big enough they retaliate by saying o no wait it wasn't going to eat her just strangle that's one of my story please add if you have any as its interesting to here what people can come up with.please no names.

That reminds me of a storey. When i was 8 years old my 7ft red tailed boa escaped.(i know what the hell were my parents thinking) Anyways my moms friend spent the night. I woke up to my moms friend screaming like she was getting mauled by a bear. I ran down stairs to find her on the table and my rtb curled up on the couch where she was sleeping. Dident try to eat her though. I think he just wanted to cuddle. As far as a crazey storey i was at my local pet store and a worker told a customer that his ball python dident need a external heat source. He said room temp. is ok. I asked him are you fuc**** crazey? where did you get that false info from. He replyed the internet. I gave him the stink eye and he walked away. I showed the guy what he would need to properley manage his new pet. I cant believe how nieve some people are.
My Mum's a great one for making up stuff to try and stop me from doing things. I heard all about it with the snakes (slimey, will try to eat you, will kill you with their strangulation/venom etc) and the ferrets (will bite and lock their jaw etc) and the rats (filthy, disease ridden, if you let them out will eat your eyes while you sleep etc) and pretty much everything else in the world.
For example, did you know that those orange speed advisory signs they have near bends in the road are the bona fide speed limit, and you are not allowed to go over that speed until you see another speed sign? :shock: So when you're crawling along at 45km/h on a highway after coming round a bend, and a truck slams into your backside, they were doing the wrong thing.
Yes, my mother is a wealth of information, as is the rest of my family. My grandfather used to like to tell me that learner drivers are not allowed to go over 60km/hr, and p-platers aren't allowed over 80km/hr.
The most recent gem my mother's given though was when I told her I'd bought a loft bed (because I need an Olive python but don't have the space:D). She told me that she'd read about some person who'd fallen off a loft bed and died, which meant that I was going to die as well.:rolleyes:
I was told by one guy just the other day that the death adder was the most aggressive snake we have in Australia lol :) some people, were do they get their info?
im glad everyone decided to put in some story of their own its great when a thread comes together to keep it going i got another 1 i had to do a first aid course for a class at school and the first aid lady stated that brown snakes arent dangerous unless you have your fingers or toes exposed as they can only open their mouth a couple of cms.

im all for changing peoples perception of snakes but thats just stupid.
A lot of people I have chatted to over the years have a general misconception that ALL snakes are aggressive and attack at will and make a concentrated beeline for humans if they see or hear them :facepalm: I have also heard soooo many with the tale of vens and Pythons cross breeding :facepalm:
all we can do is continue to educate the general public I feel :)
OK so i decided to start a thread for people to add story's that are total bull that people against reptiles have told you to stop you from getting them. my most recent one is the my uncle story example one of my mates say i was talking to my uncle and he says he new a lady who had a carpet python and they found it laying next to her in the morning the story goes that the snake was sizing her up to eat here the following night so she had to have it put down before it ate her all in dramatic tone then if i comment about the fact there is no way the snake is big enough they retaliate by saying o no wait it wasn't going to eat her just strangle that's one of my story please add if you have any as its interesting to here what people can come up with.please no names.

actually a true story, although the snake had already eaten her husband and due to it being such a large meal took his shape, took 3 weeks before anyone noticed it was a snake and not him. true story happened to a friends mothers sisters friend
OK so i decided to start a thread for people to add story's that are total bull that people against reptiles have told you to stop you from getting them. my most recent one is the my uncle story example one of my mates say i was talking to my uncle and he says he new a lady who had a carpet python and they found it laying next to her in the morning the story goes that the snake was sizing her up to eat here the following night so she had to have it put down before it ate her all in dramatic tone then if i comment about the fact there is no way the snake is big enough they retaliate by saying o no wait it wasn't going to eat her just strangle that's one of my story please add if you have any as its interesting to here what people can come up with.please no names.

I hear the same story all the time it's an absolute joke but the general public know all
one i dont think has been mentioned is the old yellow belly black snake , more deadly than the redbelly :) if im correct there mistaken for another snake ( cant remember which one) and dont actually exist as such
one i dont think has been mentioned is the old yellow belly black snake , more deadly than the redbelly :) if im correct there mistaken for another snake ( cant remember which one) and dont actually exist as such
Hoop Snake?
I remember picking up a dead red belly that was run over by the plough on my uncles farm and all the rellies freaked and said dead RBB's could rear up and bite me
I remember picking up a dead red belly that was run over by the plough on my uncles farm and all the rellies freaked and said dead RBB's could rear up and bite me

Funny story about a dead RBB, When i was a kid i was at a friends house, one of the dogs was barking its **** off at something, Nek Minnit we realise its barking at a snake. Well by this time its too late and the dog has killed the snake, he was throwing the body around the yard playing with it after decapitating it. So my mates dad used a clothes peg to ick up the head and put it in the bin. My mate and me being kids wanted to know how sharps its fangs were, thinking a dead snake couldn't hurt us. Well as it turns out they can, long story slightly shorter he spent some time in hospital and now we know better
my step mother constantly freaks out because im sleeping with "dangerous venomous snakes" ( actually two coastals) in my bedroom " honestly rebecca what happens if they escape, they will bite you and kill you, you silly little girl".

i find it hilarious to post pictures of my snake bites to her. i sent her a picture of my smallest snake ( a 50cm coastal) locking onto my finger. the lecture i got for scaring the hell out of her was well worth the trouble i got into ;)

people fear the unknown and more often then not they would rather spread the fear then actually learn about it.

i rather enjoy taking my snakes out the front in the arvo and letting ppl see they arent horrible. my girl was nice enough to bite me in front of a few ppl and one lady freaked right out haha.
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