vegetarian spider

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
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Took these pics a while back..My son was throwing peas of his plate in a typical 2 year old tantrum manner and a pea landed in the web of a daddy long legs..It was one we didnt see and missed on the clean up.The next day I found this guy he had captured the pea and went about feeding on it ..You can see the colour his body went after eating it...This was weird so I grab the camera...enjoy something a bit different.. :)
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wow thats weird,i am going to try that tonight.
Great shot
Are you sure it's a pea ?....looks like its caught a green spider & webbed it up (looks like legs wrapped around a body), do you have any better pics ?
Ive never heard of any vegi spiders....perhaps it was after the water contained in the pea........very weird
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Thats awesome never seen a daddy long legs do anything like that! Good pic
yep its a pea I do have other pics but not loaded on the comp...can do them if you like.. :)
Oooh... That's cool!! I found a daddy long legs on the ceiling of the bathroom this morning... If he's still there when I get home I'm going to give him a feast of coloured veggies to see what happens!!
Wow, i didnt know that peas can turn spiders into the hulk. :p
Now that would be an awsome marketing technique to get kids liking spiders perhaps we should try different coloured foods an see what everyone comes up with. Own one in every colour. lol
here is another one..they are all very similar too each other,,


  • spider 3.jpg
    spider 3.jpg
    622.6 KB · Views: 139
ok I can tell you that it is not another spider..yes after seeing the pics on here I can see why it would be thought to be a green spider..It is the outer shell of the pea causing that shape...Now a green spider is full of spider guts and would not in anyway cause the daddy long legs to turn green from the food inside it that it has just eaten..
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