Western Blue Tongue Imp.

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:) Made enquiries concerning import of wbt into NSW from rocky reptiles WA.Their price for the liz was 250.00$,exp lic 150.00$,plus applic fee30.00$ for the first 5 reptiles then 10.00 eacch addit. They didnt mention freight and the imp into NSW IS 20.00$. As this site has WA members i was wondering whether you pay the exp fee on each addititional animal or once per shipment.WOMAS4ME it seems like the seller that does the work and incurs most of the costs,has got a bim deal,the gov in this deal makes near half for doing little.Also the seller in this case would have to pay more gov fees to get the animal in the first place.The WA gov is laughing all the way to the bank! :twisted:
All the way oldfella. The export is $180 for up to 5 animals and $10 for each animal thereafter IF in the one consignment. Already we have paid close to 5 grand to calm in the last 4 months.
:lol: Thanks for that Womas4me,they seem to be making up for all their time in the widerness,stacking away the gold! :twisted: :twisted:
what wilderness, every time they backburn it gets outa control and they burn heaps of it down
Thats the truth Womas, i was working on the inland hwy as we were building the road thru to Tom Price yrs ago and CALM decided to backburn half the state lol.
I remember them stopping us near the the roadhouse we were staying at in my tanker in a cutting with flames coming towards us and telling me i had to stay put, i remember the look on there faces when i asked how they thought the 60 thousand litres of kero cutter i had on board would go lol.
new news for you then nigmax. They ( not CALM ) are now starting to bitumise a road from tom price to karratha. So far it goes 20km.
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