Western Bluetongue Lizards

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2003
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Has anyone noticed the Western Bluetongues on the herp trader. $3,200 for 3 young adults. Holy S#*@. Boy at that price I hope mine breed this year. I thought they were dear when I paid $250ea from Ultimate in SA. Boy did I get a good buy. Thanks Tim.
i would love to own one of them

why are they more expensive than the other types of blueies?
They're "Westies", they probably Joined a union, pushed some heavy workplace bargain agreement for better conditions, and won! :lol:

The W.B.U. Western Bluies Union LOL
Hmmm, could be another Larson Special.
I noticed them this morning.WOW.

Good Lord.They are some pricey bluey's.
Not sure if i would pay that though.
I'll be interested to see if they sell.

Your laughin Bigguy.Nice buy indeed.
If the prices are right may have to get on the list to purchase some of them.
I saw that too last night. Bob, is there anything you don't own? Everytime a new or rare-ish species is mentioned, you seem to own some. Lucky man.

Simon Archibald
A pair sold not long ago for $1850. Heard about that a few days after I turned down a pair for $600. Can you write dickhead on here.
can someone post a pic of what they look like?

off the urs site
dam they look great, but definetly not willing to pay 3200 for possibly 2 girls and a male.

Heres a pic of mine. They are darker than normal at the moment as I have cooling right down. They look really miserable without heat.
i know someone who keeps them but i had no idea they where worth anything like that!!!!!
Does anyone know why western and centralian Bluies are class 2 in NSW?
They are on class 2 for 2 reasons. 1) they are not very common 2) They are harder to maintain in captivity then normal Bluetongues. The can get very serious ulcerated sores on their bellies and legs, which quickly lead to death if not treated.
Arid habitat animals. Panel of experts consider you need more experience to keep them. Rare as all getout this part of the continent. 25 on the list in NSW last year.
They are of course only worth what people will pay.
Another thing is that they come in different colour forms as well.

The ulcerations appear to be caused with constant contact with Urates and dirty substrate.

I was warned by Glen Shea when I first got my Centralian Bluetongues 12 years ago that not many people had kept them longer then 2 years due to the sores killing them.

He was right. Within 6 months mine had started to develope the sores. We treated the sores but they kept returning as we had not addressed the cause. After trying so many different substrates which all failed, I finally found rice husks. Since using the husks I have never had the sores back.

The rice husks are not absorbent, so any urates go straight to the bottom, leaving the lizards suspended on a dry surface. Simply clean when ever dirty, and" Bobs you uncle", no problems at all.
I've been looking for rice husks for my centralians, where can you get it bob?
Bob, are these rice husk a good substrate for any snake? any drawbacks at all?
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