wet watery and submerged carpet

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New Member
Jan 30, 2003
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hi ya all
i got 2 snakes that have desided that they would rather spend most of there time swimming in there water bowl
there is no mites and they appear fine too me the carpet wont eat but it fed 10 days ago so i not too worried
any ideas peoples
thanx for any imput
What are the temps (max and min) like?
Are they both the same type of snake?
Are they in the same enclosure?
Could possibly be too hot for them.
If you are sure they have no mites, it sounds like it?s too hot and you may not have enough gradient in the enclosure for them to thermo regulate their preferred bodytemp. It?s funny they are both doing it. I assume they are in the same cage!
i wouldnt worry too much, i recently aquired an adult male coastal carpet python and ive heard from previous owners that he enjoys soaking in his water bowl, and as i doubt 2 different owners could be keeping him in too hot conditions then i`m assuming he just enjoys a little dip in the pool.

and could they be coming up to a shed, my water python will take a swim and a soak when he's about to rid himself of yet another skin.

Leader of the Love the Glove Party
The reason I thought it may be too hot was beacause two snakes were both doing it (soaking) and I assumed from the post that it was something they had just started doing. Any update on them sc?
yep 1 little update the watery is cumming up too shed
so i recon thats it there
and well the house temps are between 26 - 32 deg
depending on day or night
the carpet has always liked a dip so i suspect that she might just like a swim i guess
thanx all for your input
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