Who's the APS comedian?

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2003
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:D HI all, been reading through old threds and I reckon Africancichlidau
is by far the funniest member i.e. funny post? what do others think? quote your fav post! :D p.s if you vote "other" please post your vote! I cant add everyones name to poll and we wanna count!lol
Heres two good ones about kid forum proposal !
Maybe combine the two, and we could have a forum on how to build enclosures to keep the kids in. I can't post pictures of the closet I converted for this purpose in gallery. :twisted:

by Almaron


A Closet? A CLOSET? Luxury!!!! Why, when I was a kid, 6 of us lived in a SHOEBOX!!!!

by Lutz :D
LOL and again LOL Watso i think that nobody can beat Afrofishiodribblehead. Not even Paul Keding (Keating) and i think that he was prety funny with his banana humor.
My vote

I reckon Africa, with a very close dry second, Greebo!
Thanks greg, actually I am a bit insulted bot to see my name on the poll. Maybe I have offended to many members to be considered a comedian. :(
Perhaps a "GOOSE of the WEEK" award is in order?:p
Sorry Magpie and Greebo, perhaps I should have polled who should be in the poll first???
Dont know how to change it now but ill vote "other" for each of you to make up for it! :D

LOL! See what I mean? You just GOTTA include Greebo! :lol: .... so I did, along with a couple of others. Did I miss any other comedians?
This is not too easy, there's a lot of humor out there in fact I'm sure that some of you lot are inmates somewhere - I'm sure I can hear you next door.

I find Africa very drole and most enjoyable.
I love Mr Slateban - extremely good value.
I have to say that my favorite - when he's in a good mood - and when he's wearing his party patch has to be Almaron. I thought he was a nut during my first couple of days on the site but once I actually read his stuff I was hooked. Many's the time when he's had me really LOL.

I am imagining Almaron as strong man armed with his gun and trying to save his familly and whole US from badies. That always put smile on my face.
Afreakin'fishhead certainly has his moments, and I love Greeb's dry sense of humour. as well... god luv ya Joey Joe Joe! :)
Before i will remoove this as sticky. AFRICA IS WINNER AS FUNNIEST APS MEMBER. I don't know if i should congratulate him or not.
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