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Crikey! What a frustrating situation. It is very, very disappointing on Australia Zoo / Wildlife Warriors part. Does really make you wonder.........
PMSL Mr B....

This is terrible news Gabe.. Is there any hope of this NOT going ahead now? When will you know either way?
this is horrible. aussie zoo is letting the australian animals and people down. they have got a bit of explaining to do....
Hi Craig, don't forget the poor Nangur Skink, Nangura spinosa. 183 in the wild, 140 about to be bulldozed (April 2008) as they have chosen to live in a state forest targeted for harvest. This population is in Kilkivan, much the same distance as the Mary River. None of the zoos have offered to assist . My application to personally fund the recover program has been largely ignored. Any ideas where to go next??
Hi Craig, don't forget the poor Nangur Skink, Nangura spinosa. 183 in the wild, 140 about to be bulldozed (April 2008 ) as they have chosen to live in a state forest targeted for harvest. This population is in Kilkivan, much the same distance as the Mary River. None of the zoos have offered to assist . My application to personally fund the recover program has been largely ignored. Any ideas where to go next??
Has anyone approached the Queensland Museum - at least for some direction ??
Here's hoping someone there has an idea, people do genuinely care for the animals
Sandee :)
I totally agree that Australia Zoo is more concerned about making money then this turtle and other affected species. Seriously this is the type of issue a Current Affair or Today Tonight dream about.
I really hope someone at aus zoo wakes up and see that by not helping to conserve the locally endangered animals is goin to put many offside, thus creating a bad rep for themselves in regard to how much they really care about conservation. I personally think that someone needs to speak to Bob Irwin the bloke that started all of this or has he been pushed out now that terri runs the show, not being mean to terri I just think there needs to be some reality injected into what conservation is. I hope something good comes of this story and good luck craig and gabrielle you guys are doing an amazing job.
That is really sad on Aust. Zoo's part. Perhaps they think the turtles they have in captivity will be worth more when they are near extinction, or perhaps a grant will be given to them to try breed hundreds of them.

It's a shame when money takes over, IMO it certainly seems that way, hopefully they will prove me wrong and do something about it.
I just can't believe what im reading. If this is all correct and they really were aware of the significance of the ecosystem they are about to make into a dam, then i just do not know what to say. Frankly i would be discusted. I thought they were one of the best things to happen for conservation in recent times. I hope that it does not go ahead and as naive as it is to say, i hope this thing has been blown out of proportion and is a foolish and non intentional mistake on Aust zoos part. So far things don't just add up properly and i sense a little madia beat up and bias may be occuring. If anyone has cold hard facts on the issue please i would love to know.
This is the cold hard facts. These guys (Craig and Gabrielle) have been on this for a long, long time. The studies have been done, and from them it is quite clear that this is going to have a direct detrimental effect on the survival of these species. I don't know alot about it, but I know these guys do have the cold hard facts. But that doesn't seem to matter these days. Thats why the world is in the state it is!
Hi Craig, don't forget the poor Nangur Skink, Nangura spinosa. 183 in the wild, 140 about to be bulldozed (April 2008) as they have chosen to live in a state forest targeted for harvest. This population is in Kilkivan, much the same distance as the Mary River. None of the zoos have offered to assist . My application to personally fund the recover program has been largely ignored. Any ideas where to go next??

Hey Danny,

Thats one of my major concerns too. I pray we can stop this one in its tracks

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Hey Danny,

Thats one of my major concerns too. I pray we can stop this one in its tracks


Not looking good. The forestry dept has said flat out that harvesting will occur. Just the upgrades (grading) to the access round will wipe out potentially 20%.
Getting a few specimens into zoos is not going to help much. They need to be where they are doted on, not just fed as part of a daily job.
I'm an irwin fan but the direction of the zoo and associated enterprise is a little puzzling of late IMO.
Now thats really mature

Leave the kid alone. Maybe instead of being arrogant you could explain the situation. Who looks like the idiot now.
That's cos you're an idiot.

Good work Craig and Gabrielle, seems they have really lost the plot at Australia Zoo.. hopefully the mainstream media will pick the story up.
Hi Craig, don't forget the poor Nangur Skink, Nangura spinosa. 183 in the wild, 140 about to be bulldozed (April 2008 ) as they have chosen to live in a state forest targeted for harvest. This population is in Kilkivan, much the same distance as the Mary River. None of the zoos have offered to assist . My application to personally fund the recover program has been largely ignored. Any ideas where to go next??

Hi Danny,

We'd recommend getting as much media exposure as possible as we have done. People are starting to listen so much that we were asked to do the turtle component for the EIS as well as meet with QWI and the EPA to design and guarantee the turtles safety if this ridiculous dam goes ahead.

I'd like to help with your problem Danny! I think I should talk to you in private though.



23 November 2007

A turtle conservation group has accused Australia Zoo of being more concerned about “crocodile pie” than endangered wildlife in its own backyard.

The Australian Freshwater Turtle Conservation and Research Association is disappointed that the zoo and Wildlife Warriors have not publicly stated their views on the proposed Traveston dam.

Association spokeswoman Gabrielle Latta and her husband Craig moved to the Sunshine Coast in 2000 to work with the Mary River turtles and are running a petition to stop the dam and “save the turtle”.

Ms Latta said data they had collected indicated the turtle was endangered, with between 800 and 3500 believed to be in the Mary River.

She said the dam would push it “even closer to the brink of extinction, with 17 known Mary River turtle nesting banks being inundated by up to 25 metres of water”.

“The ‘footprint’ of the dam is the only section of the river where the Mary River turtle is known to breed successfully.”

The association has also asked Australia Zoo and Wildlife Warriors to independently assess the dam environmental impact statement and associated documents, and to make a submission to the Coordinator-General and federal Minister for the Environment.

However, Ms Latta said she had not received a response from management of the zoo or Wildlife Warriors.

“I got the impression they don’t want to have an opinion,” she said.

“Their lack of interest is really disappointing as Australia Zoo claims to be all for conservation yet they seem more concerned about crocodile pie than the possible extinction of several endangered species less than 60km away.”

Her comments refer to the zoo’s recent criticism of the Caloundra Bowls Club for putting chicken and crocodile mornay pie on its menu.

Ms Latta said a brief reference to Australia Zoo in the dam environmental impact statement could be seen as indirectly suggesting it supported the project.

Under the headline “Educational Opportunities”, the statement says “components of the project, together with existing facilities including the Australian Zoo, would offer a number of activities of interest in the one locality which will be a major attraction for educational and tourism alike”.

Craig Latta said it was “ironic” that the zoo had not made a public statement about the dam, “considering that the locally endangered Mary River turtle is on display at Australia Zoo and the zoo was in charge of the Australasian captive breeding program for the species”.

Australia Zoo and Wildlife Warriors were contacted by but did not wish to comment.

As well as this newspaper article, Gabrielle was interviewed by phone on 2 radio stations today.


Unfortunately Australia Zoo has it's head in the sand over this one!
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