Toddler Survives Lethal Snake Bite

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Published On: 1-23-2010
Source: BigPond News

A toddler has survived the bite of a highly venomous snake at a day care centre northeast of Perth.

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The snake was killed and brought to the hospital in a jar to help determine if venom had entered her blood stream.

Somebody has to be joking, right:?:?:?:?
saw that on the news, shame to see the snake in the jar dead. was glad to see that they didn't blame the snake, they just said she picked it up and it bit her.
Stupid people. They do swabs on the bite site now to determine what kind of snake has bitten someone. You don't need to kill the snake to prove it. Poor little baby. (I mean the snake.)
stupid has got nothing to do with it. it would have been a fairly logical reaction to someone who didn't know better and it's actually pretty quick thinkin most people would have just panicked. You can't expect everybody to have the same knowledge of snakes and bite treatment as people who take an active interest in them I'm sure the person who killed the snake was just lookin out for the childs best interest it's just luck they didn't get bitten as well
stupid has got nothing to do with it. it would have been a fairly logical reaction to someone who didn't know better and it's actually pretty quick thinkin most people would have just panicked. You can't expect everybody to have the same knowledge of snakes and bite treatment as people who take an active interest in them I'm sure the person who killed the snake was just lookin out for the childs best interest it's just luck they didn't get bitten as well

I tend to agree with Steve...most people (99%) probably dont view snakes the way we do. I guess it is up to us to educate as many people as possible that snakes are not a threat if treated with respect and basically left alone.

This story is a little strange in that it was reported the toddler picked up the question is (if the media is correct and often they get it wrong)...where were the parents....I have a 4 YO daughter...she is not allowed out in the backyard with out parental (or at least my 14 YO daughters) responsibility.

This is similar to pool drownings all of them I say...where were the parents? Too many parents are abdicating their responsibility in caring for young children.
We also have a pool and even though my 4 YO and 10 YO can both swim (the 10 YO has done her nippers 300m qualification and in fact beat all the boys) and yet I still don't allow either of them to swim in our pool unsupervised.
That is one day care centre I wouldnt be frequenting (just due to the proxomity to venomous snakes). I guess then that this just comes down to pure wonder they killed it then...with 20+ children I dont think they could sit and wait for WIRES or someone with herp specialities to come and retrieve it.

I bet they invest in doorseals from now on.
Yeah, at first I was pretty cranky that they killed it, but in the circumstances they probably didn't have much choice.
Poor snake and poor little girl....wrong place wrong time :(
sad as it may be for snake people to hear the snake was killed for identification, its a pretty normal reaction from non-snake people under the circumstances. Im more upset by the constant and purposely done road kills right around the country when people swerve to hit some poor reptile on the side of a road and keep driving feeling like heroes. these animals are not hurting anybody and killed through ignorance or for "fun" by rednecks. now thats what I call sad...

same thing used to occur years ago (maybe still does) when someone was taken by a "rogue shark" I can remember people employing guys like "big shark hunter" vic hislop to catch and kill the offending beast.. and when any old shark was caught and killed and hung upside down the people cheered and felt avenged.. sad situation but its how a lot of people feel and react when humans are attacked or killed by wildlife..
I was on my way home from work the other day and saw a bobtail crossing road so i pulled the bike over watched a dozen cars narrowly miss it and then made my way towards it i stopped and waited for one more car hoping for the best only to watch the idiot deliberately swerve and kill it
Im aware of venom detection kits, but isnt it still better to get a positive ID on the snake? (assuming it doesnt result in more getting bitten)
I was on my way home from work the other day and saw a bobtail crossing road so i pulled the bike over watched a dozen cars narrowly miss it and then made my way towards it i stopped and waited for one more car hoping for the best only to watch the idiot deliberately swerve and kill it

thats sad steve.. and exactly what I was talking about in my post above yours.. as I said I can understand some people killing a snake after a bite for identification purposes.. but to purposely swerve out of your way to kill a poor harmless bobtail is disgraceful.
The snake was killed and brought to the hospital in a jar to help determine if venom had entered her blood stream

The original point I was trying to make seems to have been missed.
The quote says nothing at all about identification of the snake but rather seeks to determine if envenomation took place.
Why is that crazy maybe they were unaware if it was venomous or not, if it had been a python then they would have determined that envenomation had not taken place.
Why is that crazy maybe they were unaware if it was venomous or not, if it had been a python then they would have determined that envenomation had not taken place.
how does a dead snake in a jar help anybody determine if envenomation has taken place? If it had been a python the child would still have been kept for observation and a bite site swab etc. done, they would hardly base the treatment regime on what was in the jar.
The snake was killed and brought to the hospital in a jar to help determine if venom had entered her blood stream

The original point I was trying to make seems to have been missed.
The quote says nothing at all about identification of the snake but rather seeks to determine if envenomation took place.

They also survived a lethal bite :lol: If i survived a lethal injury i would feel more special than the reporter who wrote the article...

Sure the artcile is rubbish but many are of the opinion that a correct ID is useless because of venom detection kits. As far as i know this is not the case and killing the snake and taking it in seems like the smartest thing to do (i now go to hide under asbestos).
I thought the same thing, Cris! "Toddler survives lethal snake bite" - if the kid survived, it was hardly lethal then, was it??!!
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