Major Upgrade this Weekend

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Dont mind the upgrade .But the colour hurts my eyes . to much white . :):)
Minor glitch here.


  • Aps_prob1.jpg
    18.5 KB · Views: 141
Personally I hate the white, it's too bright and hurts my eyes. I'll probably back off from coming on a bit now because of it and I really enjoy the site, but don't need headaches from the glare. Everything else is great and I like it, just not the white lol
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When another forum i was a member of switched, I didn't like it either, but now I think it's better than the original. Be patient. See if you like it in a few weeks. If ya don't, ya don't.
Yeah, same here.
Plus I've noticed the overall website is a lot slower to load than usual. Maybe the server's not handling all the activity and changes and uploads and stuff.

For me its actually much faster - over the last few months I'd have to refresh a page like 3 times to load it (only aps, no other websites) and that isn't happening now :)
I guess you don't use Google :p

I guess overwhelmingly negative feedback from the majority of members means nothing to you.

I wasn't being nasty, I was just giving you feedback and expressing that I find this format to be straining to the eyes, and even if I wanted to I wouldn't spend more than a few minutes on this site with the current sceheme. If you want to respond to that with a smart ****d comment rather than at least a polite response, power to you.

By the way, before making comparisons, check what you're talking about. Google has different font sizes etc, and doesn't have the same sort of clutter on the front page, the font size is larger, and there are other differences which make it far better. If you think this scheme is as friendly on the eyes, knock yourself out, keep it.

If the overwhelming majority of members respond negatively to frequent changes, or to particular changes, maybe it's worth listening. After all, the members are the ones you are trying to please (or should be).
Layout and all is fine, BUT and it is a big BUT the brightness is blinding! I, like my snakes prefer life a little on the darker side. Any chance you could go a couple of shades darker? Blue, green, red hell grey will do, but bright white? C'mon dude...

Listen to the people!
its an albino website... worth more ;)
in all honesty it is a bit bright for my tastes but i turned my montor brightness down so its not soooo much of a problem anymore. i know i am not a paying member, but ill gladly give you 5 bucks to darken the background a bit.
APS is looking a little pale and pasty today- seems to have caught a cold. Hope it can get vaccinated soon....
Google is used manily as search engine, which means onky a matter of a few minutes spent there. Most of the members here spend longer than that and after just a few minutes my eys get sore and my head aches due to the glare. I think a darker page is much better and less painful

Actually some study (I've forgotten who by, or what it was really about) proved that most people prefer light websites, they're more inviting than dark ones.

I don't have any problem with the white, no sore eyes or headaches. But I guess it could be toned down if it does cause that for some people.
Nothing at all wrong with the format, but the white is giving me eye strain.
Will we get the section for those little "club" sites back.....can't remember what they were called, but they had one for WA and others for different interests people had ?? I'd like to see that come back again please.

I don't take to change easily, but I guess I'll get used to the new way the site looks....if I want to stay here, I'll have to.
Only one issue.
There used to be a button to show "todays posts".I found it to be the easiest way to browse current posts.Any chance of restoring it?
Only one issue.
There used to be a button to show "todays posts".I found it to be the easiest way to browse current posts.Any chance of restoring it?

Here here, biggest issue I have!
Why fix something that aint broke I always say???
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