Newst Addition - Scrub Python

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About time I got myself a new addition... This is my new baby Liana, from Lewy... Already copped a bite from her, feisty little thing :lol:

Never have I seen grown men put great distance between me, and the little white box I was holding in so little time :lol:

Quick snap while putting her in her new enclosure... more to come at a later stage :D

Congratulations on your new addition and yes you will get used to the bites lol.My girl is around 9ft now and can be an angel one minute and then try and tear your face off the next .They do settle down over a period of time but i will never trust mine like i do my others .Unreal to own one though ..
U must be way over feeding it for it to grow 1/2 meter in 5 mounths u do relise thats 12cm a mounth,
Not having a go as it may come to pass, just saying hopefully hes not too aggressive.
in those few months he has grown approx 1.5 feet lol
actually it is less than that. and we haven't been overfeeding, he gets 1 meal a week, and it is just big enough to see it after he swallows. any less than that and he digests it in 2 days, then tries to eat the cats
actually it is less than that. and we haven't been overfeeding, he gets 1 meal a week, and it is just big enough to see it after he swallows. any less than that and he digests it in 2 days, then tries to eat the cats

Your cats must be nervous ;)

So does yours tag much, pickle? You said he's placid... but also possessive?
lol they run whenever we have him out.

he is only possessive of inanimate objects. again, like with children, we just distract him with another toy. he hasn't tagged since march 3rd, he'll sulk when you take stuff off him and as soon as your back is turned he'll have it back in his coils! he doesn't attempt to eat any of it, he just wraps himself around it and stays there. maybe i should have said he suffers from cleptomania lol
I have never heard of snakes stealing stuff like that... but it makes me want one! :D
lol. my mate breeds coastals and one of his girls is a pick pocket. she'll take your keys, wallet, long as it is in your pocket, she wants it
I've had a wrestle with an 8ft carpet...that was fun enough...enjoy that one at 15ft! :lol: :lol: Good luck! Pretty snake...but....:p

Heh... I will! I've got a lot of people joking about coming around one day and finding the snake, a large lump and no me :shock: :lol: mind you, most of them aren't going to be coming over again... Should have bought more pythons sooner! :lol:
gorgeous little python u have there, hope it learns to love u long before it reaches the 5 metre mark!! :p yikes!!
Kinghornis (scrubs in general) are great snakes, literally. Can get to huge sizes and canny as hell. Good luck with it...
heres a pic of the male we bought off lewy, ill get some more pics up soon they are pugnatious little tackers the female left a fang in my thumb the other night got to love them

ill add that lewy is fantastic to deal with and id have no hesitation in dealing with him again, i must get around to giving him positive seller feedback on here, i also know of another 4 people who have delt with him in brisbane having bought spotteds off him all of them feel the same as i do

if im not mistaken he has some brothers and sisters to the pictured scrubs and also some nice little spotted pythons left

heres the pic ill add to the thread when i get some more
Cool pics.. Well at least she hasn't lost her appetite lol..... Yer right a scrubby loosing its appetite ahahahahahaaa
Just an update, she's settled in well! And once out of her tub she calms down considerably and is not too bad to handle, as long as there are no unknown sudden movements :lol: ... Hoping/expecting her to calm down with age and once she gets used to everything
nice looking scrubbie what we can see looks confortable
Wow EM!

Thats a gorgeous scrubby..soo tempting. a little jealous!
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