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Yeah I agree with the majority.

Bredli or Murray would be the best of the carpets.

Childrens would be the best of the Antaresias.

Get a yearling if you want a snake that is more settled in and to reduce the chances of anyone getting bitten.
Bredli's are the way to go lol... but I guess instead of telling you what species to get I'll tell you what species to stay away from...

-jungles (bad *** temperament)
-Green Tree Pythons (hard snake to keep)
-Olive (3+ meter in average length)
-Scrub python (Angrier then a jungle, bigger then an olive)

Carpets do get big, but if you get a hatching by the time it grows to full length your daughter will be able to handle it. As temperament goes, look at the parents, handle the baby... don't go by looks, go by temperment (make sure its able to eat though... super placid snakes can be super picky bastards)
I said bredli's cause their a desert species... so they can handle mistakes from new-by carers pretty well. If you really want a placid carpet, get a yearling, before buying it check that it's placid and oblivious to your hands and gestures, and that it's eating lol.

Spotteds are fine just beware that normal spotteds get UGLY and will look like poop (camouflage technique maybe?). Blondes and platinum spotteds are the way to go. as they keep their colours
If you do get an Anastasia, make sure it's eating when you buy it (hatchling stimson warning).

Woma's and BHP's are also worth the research and are great to keep.

All in all, Research... ask questions and then make your mind up. Just know that snakes will bite, it's their nature.

hi martens mum all hatchies can be snappyto begin with but most settle down with constant handling buy a small snake for your daughter something she wont be scared of in a few years or as alreadymentioned buy a partner for your diamond in a few years im sure your kids would love the little baby snakes
mayb just buy a dog .lol no im kidding their all great there's good and bad in every thing best bet is to view and handle before you buy !!!!
One of my MD hatchies is placid to the point of boring... But very pretty :D
One of my MD hatchies is placid to the point of boring... But very pretty :D

Sadly I agree... placid is boring... I like them when they try to bite your head off, it makes them fun fun fun!
Sadly I agree... placid is boring... I like them when they try to bite your head off, it makes them fun fun fun!

Haha, you should visit my MD then.. he's a snappy little thing. Getting better though, I've handled him 3 times in total now without incidence! I agree though, his fiestiness makes him much more interesting! And he feeds brilliantly..
Ask her to pick one she likes. Seriously, the best choice would be one she is herself interested in (Within reason ofcourse). Everyone's opinion is just biased on what they own and like the best lol.

So true :p If you're looking at temperament over breed just look for one that's a bit older and that's been handled frequently, snakes aren't dogs and don't thrive affection just become tolerant to it...
I have a Cardwell Jungle that's 9 months and a spotted thats 3 years old I dont know if it's due to the age but Fluffy our spotted is awsome miss 5 can handle him with no issue's the cardwell on the other hand is a little chainsaw... Your Mum at the end of the day I'm sure you will make the right decision...
(Also visiting a few times before purchasing is a good idea so you get a better idea of it's temperament not just catching it on a good or bad day)
ill add another bredli vote, my 3 were all pretty feisty as kids but theyre absolutely lovely now!
(hatchy bites dont hurt one bit, so dont stress about hatchies being snappy)

the only snake i ever got that didnt try to take chunks out of me was a yearling diamond i got, he was so relaxed i was worried he was sick! (hes not tho, hes just really nice)
Well there we have it! Lots of different views, lots of different opinions. What species does your daughter like?
I like the sound of the Murray Darling Carpet as it seems to have a nice temperament & be the most bomb proof but I've read they can grow HUGE - what do others find is their average size???.

Hi - just to add my humble opinion in terms of snake choices. Firstly, there are no hard and fast rules, because temperament can vary amongst species. I would have to say that hands-down, the murray darlings are an excellent choice, an no, they do not grow to be a huge size. They are best described as a medium species. Coastals certainly are variable in temperament - amongst the coastals we have, and have had, and also the ones I catch and relocate, some are puppy dog placid, others are very jumpy and snappy.
Best of luck
ill add another bredli vote, my 3 were all pretty feisty as kids but theyre absolutely lovely now!
(hatchy bites dont hurt one bit, so dont stress about hatchies being snappy)

the only snake i ever got that didnt try to take chunks out of me was a yearling diamond i got, he was so relaxed i was worried he was sick! (hes not tho, hes just really nice)

When did yours become placid?
When did yours become placid?

Loki settled down probably around the 9 month mark, since he was my first he was handled daily and out for at least 3 hours a night.

His girlfriends settled down at around a year old, they havent been handled much and will 'bluff' (nosebutt) if theres alot of time (month or so) between handlings.
but when they do that i dont retreat, just give em a pat till they turn away and its all good again.
(as in if i revisit a few days later they dont flinch when touched)

aside from a couple of feeding bites (which were totally my fault) i cant remember the last time they bit me.
Well there we have it! Lots of different views, lots of different opinions. What species does your daughter like?
She likes Diamonds. She also likes the idea of a really little one (like a spotted/stimson).
bredli, IMO looks pretty good, and it has a really good temperment when they're older, from what I've read

Looks like lots of folks are pretty fond of the Bredli. I hadn't really looked at them, so will have to do some research on that species.
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