A bit sad !!!!

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huh? for breaking the rules usually..

G;day Colin,

Not trying to have a dig mate, being genuine here. I first joined the site (under a different UN) in '03, when I stopped coming here in late '05, there were many experienced and professional herpers on this forum.. Looking through the member list, these people have been suspended? Obviously there are a lot of NEW pro's on here, but what about all the original guys? Did their accounts become inactive, or did they change usernames, or? Just seems like a huge proportion of members from that period are suspended? Did I miss some big riot, lol?

so what username did you used to be brodie? people usually get banned on here for breaking the rules..
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welcome back brodie! most of the guys around back then are no longer here because of all the BS rarely see them around anymore. i re signed up a few years back after being banned not long after you left the scene.

simon archibald pops his head up every now and then.

you keeping any monitors these days?
Kill the chit chat thats what facebook is for.

It takes too long to trawl through the garbage to find something readworthy. So its too easy to miss the GOOD herp threads.

I detest reading about how someone mutilates their body,, or what tat should i get, or what video games are unreal.

I'd like to see AM Pythons put up his reasons for doing what he did.... now that would be good.
yeah i havent been on here as much in the last few weeks as am sick of the bickering and the constant put downs of people who are new and asking questions. its amazing how many people were instant experts and never asked a question before

may also be the fact that as a power seller i can not get online because there are so many non members online clogging the server, this really annoys me
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yeah i havent been on here as much in the last few weeks as am sick of the bickering and the constant put downs of people who are new and asking questions. its amazing how many people were instant experts and never asked a question before

may also be the fact that as a power seller i can not get online because there are so many non members online clogging the server, this really annoys me
Alot of those non-members are trolling the for sales looking to buy their first snake or whatever, I would prefer too many of them than none at all
Alot of those non-members are trolling the for sales looking to buy their first snake or whatever, I would prefer too many of them than none at all
yeah fair enough mate but i have been trying to get online for atleast 20min and is saying to busy
I agree the chit chat section is full of alot of crap, but i think that every forum.. reptile, cars, birds, computers, whateverrr.. need a Miscelaneous section.
If you dont want to read it, just dont read it... i also think, that if you scrap the chit chat section, then the main reptile sections will get flooded with the chit chat "crap"

to think a while back when i bagged out about people discussing other animals on here i got a infraction all because i said i thought this was a reptile forum mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good to see some people agree.
Thanks to those who PMd me too.

Col, I agree that this is an interesting thread indeed. I think it's easy to nip a few of the 'what's your favourite hybrid combination?' and 'Can I keep my Coastal with my Lacie?' threads in the bud (god knows I try!). One of the problems (for me!) is that there are many here who believe that all questions are deserving of a considered answer, I'm not one of those... I do certainly believe there are some very stupid questions.

Yes, completely stupid questions, I agree whole heartedly. But **** I'm glad they asked before they did it :D
i asked fay to delete my jungle thread for the reason that i was being called an animal abuser...by a certain person, i would of continued the thread but couldnt tell the whole story because of others involved & it wasnt fair to 'tar' them with the same 'brush' as i was being 'tarred' with... this is the first reptile that has ever died in my care... thanks for the PM's from the experienced herpers that helped... tony

I do agree that some of the photo's might have been a bit graffic, but you certainly opened peoples eye's to some of down sides to breeding etc.
I find people are quick to dump crap in other peoples backyard, but should clean theirs thoroughly first before they comment.
Again, sorry for your loss.
and i agree newbies get treated like they are dumb, when i first joined 3 or so years back i got so much help from people about snake care, its like this site is stale, all everyone ever does on here is put poeple down on here because they are new, i think i even got slammed about the cross breeding and hello 3 yrs later everyone is trying to pass them off as rpm, lets just call them what the are, or atleast say which halve is which. Know dont get me wrong i do like this site and has help me heaps and if the mods look into my account history i am on here everyday, but most days there is just nothing good on here to read.
Kill the chit chat thats what facebook is for.

It takes too long to trawl through the garbage to find something readworthy. So its too easy to miss the GOOD herp threads.

I detest reading about how someone mutilates their body,, or what tat should i get, or what video games are unreal.

I'd like to see AM Pythons put up his reasons for doing what he did.... now that would be good.

Cement, why are you even going near the chit chat to read about tats or video games if you don't like those threads?
thank you Alek, i agree maybe the pics were a bit full on for some, but my first thought was if someone can learn from this, im doing the right thing... it was a nightmare for me mate.. i went with the advice of the most experienced herper i knew.. this was not my first eggbound snake, i dealt with a friends last year with great sucsess.. my desicion to try & save some off the eggs, may have been wrong but when you are faced with losing mother & eggs you have to make a decition one way or the other.. but being made feel like a total failer is not going to help... all ppl learnt from that is 'if i make a mistake.. i just want tell anyone' who learns from that? no-one that who...
I just wanted to ad... I don't feel qualified to answer a lot of peoples questions... but I see them go completely unanswered or worse... someone will answer with something not only incorrect but sometimes dangerously incorrect. And occasionally the experienced keepers give an answer that is far too brief leaving much too much open for interpretation. Those that do complain about the drop in prices might want to consider that encouraging newbies into keeping may improve prices as demand could increase.

I agree some questions seem stupid to experienced keepers... but you have to understand that the general populace dont know and perhaps couldn't see the problem with housing two species together that would seemingly share the same habitat... or two animals of the same species.
I dont think you should write them off or be aggravated by their question... it is good that they asked at all. Every body has to start somewhere... and some people have an interest but start off with even less knowledge than others. :)

I think that also some people really do take debate to heart... or they begin to get aggressive or personal during debate. But debate is good, I certainly do find it interesting :)

I am going to be getting my first snakes soon and I have ALOT to learn!!! I'm going to need to ask a lot of questions... and I am really hoping that I can get some good involved answers from experienced keepers and not have my lack of knowledge ridiculed. Also... I always do a thorough search of the internet and forum before posting a question... but ALWAYS get the same responses "do a search". Well not everything is covered, thats why I ask. :)
but being made feel like a total failer is not going to help... all ppl learnt from that is 'if i make a mistake.. i just want tell anyone' who learns from that? no-one that who...

There was a thread a little while ago about a member who was force feeding a hatchie and they accidentally pierced its neck... they were unable to take the animal to the vet so did a home stitch up job... they shared their story along with photos etc. Not only did I learn a lot from that thread... but I really respected the person for braving the embarrassment and possible ridicule to help others not make the same mistakes. If you do feel up to posting about it, I know I would respect you for it. At the same time, I completely understand the difficulty and would not think poorly of you at all for choosing not to. And I am sorry for your loss.
Most of the interesting threads seem to get closed as soon as some healthy debate starts. If everyone agreed it would be a very boring place.
thank you Alek, i agree maybe the pics were a bit full on for some, but my first thought was if someone can learn from this, im doing the right thing... it was a nightmare for me mate.. i went with the advice of the most experienced herper i knew.. this was not my first eggbound snake, i dealt with a friends last year with great sucsess.. my desicion to try & save some off the eggs, may have been wrong but when you are faced with losing mother & eggs you have to make a decition one way or the other.. but being made feel like a total failer is not going to help... all ppl learnt from that is 'if i make a mistake.. i just want tell anyone' who learns from that? no-one that who...

Can you tell us what you have learnt from your experience?
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