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Nice EWS's i just got 2 bubs on the weekend and they r awesome. So much personality and they do heaps....unlike my fat old beardie lol
Great to hear you are enjoying them. The remaining ones are all going strong. 9 born in total.

Congrats jesskie. I do love them.
omg no way thats awesome ! :D

i would love some of these guys, i love skinks and water setups ... :D
how big are the adults ?
Woo my first baby skinks.. 3 :D

Still have 3 females ready for more babies any day now :D

thats how thay call skinks in NZ skanks just like fush'n'chups & sux instead of six hahaha gotta luv it.

hahaha thats funny cos in Aus a skank is a wh*re! Lmao :)


View attachment 172963Congrats jesskie. I do love them.

Thanks Book :) i'm so happy i love them!
How are your skinks going?


omg no way thats awesome ! :D

i would love some of these guys, i love skinks and water setups ... :D
how big are the adults ?

bout 25cm, love them so much great lizards!
thanks jess, its relly cool watching them pop out of the ground and start smashing pinheads when they get iv been feeding them heaps so they come out more, otherwise they hide :p
aww cute :) yeh i love watching them too such little characters
Jesskie can you please tell me a bit about the EWS? Husbandry?
I have a 6 foot viv with 75% land and 25% water (filtered & planted) which contains 10 Litoria Ewingii.
Do you think the EWS would suit such an enclosure? Might they eat my Tree Frogs?
I would love to have some within this set-up and I would think it suitable.
You are the expert though.... what do you think?

Also... where does one procure these little skinks? I have never seen them advertised!
Jesskie can you please tell me a bit about the EWS? Husbandry?
I have a 6 foot viv with 75% land and 25% water (filtered & planted) which contains 10 Litoria Ewingii.
Do you think the EWS would suit such an enclosure? Might they eat my Tree Frogs?
I would love to have some within this set-up and I would think it suitable.
You are the expert though.... what do you think?

Also... where does one procure these little skinks? I have never seen them advertised!

Id be more worried about the froges eating the skinks
lol they may have a chance with a new-born water skink.
The Litoria Ewingii (Southern Brown Tree Frog) struggle with small crickets!
I am more concerned with the prey-size for the skinks....
I have seen a Green Tree frog eat an adult Asian House Gecko on the outside of our kitchen window. If Southern Brown Tree Frogs are that small I would also worry about adult Eastern Water Skinks eating your frogs. They can catch and eat small fish like sword tails so the frogs would be at greater risk. I think I read somewhere of Southern Bell Frogs being kept with EWS but matching the size so no one can eat the other would be the key. The habitat alone would be fine.
The photo is of a day old Eastern Water Skink with a medium cricket.
Before I removed the babies to their own set up I put some pin heads in a dish for the babies and medium ones for the adults (they eat large ones without problem). This baby caught a medium cricket and carried it around like a dog with a bone because it was too big to eat. I suspect it eventually crushed it to bits and ate it anyway.
I have seen a Green Tree frog eat an adult Asian House Gecko on the outside of our kitchen window. If Southern Brown Tree Frogs are that small I would also worry about adult Eastern Water Skinks eating your frogs. They can catch and eat small fish like sword tails so the frogs would be at greater risk. I think I read somewhere of Southern Bell Frogs being kept with EWS but matching the size so no one can eat the other would be the key. The habitat alone would be fine.
View attachment 174248
The photo is of a day old Eastern Water Skink with a medium cricket.
Before I removed the babies to their own set up I put some pin heads in a dish for the babies and medium ones for the adults (they eat large ones without problem). This baby caught a medium cricket and carried it around like a dog with a bone because it was too big to eat. I suspect it eventually crushed it to bits and ate it anyway.

Thats my lil fella :) showing hes tough lol
We put three of ours into one of our pits with some turtles, one girl started looking big so she went into her own enclosure a few weeks ago.
We checked and fed her yesterday and were very suprised!! 11 little babies running around in the tank!! :D
Well done Jesskie, it would be great to keep and breed live birthing animals.
Im still waiting on my lizards eggs in the incubator.
24 Frilly eggs atm and a gravid female to lay.
We put three of ours into one of our pits with some turtles, one girl started looking big so she went into her own enclosure a few weeks ago.
We checked and fed her yesterday and were very suprised!! 11 little babies running around in the tank!! :D

Nice. 11 is a huge number. I generally get 9 as a maximum.
When you are putting her back into the large space of a pit she may be OK but watch out for an attack on her by the remaining two in the pit. A couple of weeks is all it takes for her scent to disappear from 'their' territory and they may react to her as an intruder.
Nice. 11 is a huge number. I generally get 9 as a maximum.
When you are putting her back into the large space of a pit she may be OK but watch out for an attack on her by the remaining two in the pit. A couple of weeks is all it takes for her scent to disappear from 'their' territory and they may react to her as an intruder.
I was suprised when I had collected 8 babies but they kept coming, she's a machjne!!! I have some changes to make to the pit so I'll take the others out for a little while and put them all back together. Hopefully she should be ok theres plenty of room the round pit they are in is 5m wide.
Jesskie can you please tell me a bit about the EWS? Husbandry?
I have a 6 foot viv with 75% land and 25% water (filtered & planted) which contains 10 Litoria Ewingii.
Do you think the EWS would suit such an enclosure? Might they eat my Tree Frogs?
I would love to have some within this set-up and I would think it suitable.
You are the expert though.... what do you think?
Also... where does one procure these little skinks? I have never seen them advertised!

The enclosure sounds great Reptilife :) but i dont know about skinks with frogs.. if they are the same size i guess it would be ok its hard to say as i dont keep frogs.. but then you've got the heat/temp difference with the skinks/frogs, and who knows what they are like when kept together in an enclosure, the frogs might get a few bite marks! or vice versa!
I put wanted ads everywhere for the skinks and had some guy in S.A reply to one and i jumped at the chance!

View attachment 174248
The photo is of a day old Eastern Water Skink with a medium cricket.
Before I removed the babies to their own set up I put some pin heads in a dish for the babies and medium ones for the adults (they eat large ones without problem). This baby caught a medium cricket and carried it around like a dog with a bone because it was too big to eat. I suspect it eventually crushed it to bits and ate it anyway.

One of mine did that it was cute carrying the cricket around. If a day old can eat a med cricket an adult might just eat those frogs :S

We put three of ours into one of our pits with some turtles, one girl started looking big so she went into her own enclosure a few weeks ago.
We checked and fed her yesterday and were very suprised!! 11 little babies running around in the tank!! :D

WOWWWWIE 11 that is awesome!! so far (first time i've bred them) mine have had 5 at the most n i thought that was ace but 11 wow congrats ParanoidPython :D also wow at Book's 9!

Well done Jesskie, it would be great to keep and breed live birthing animals.
Im still waiting on my lizards eggs in the incubator.
24 Frilly eggs atm and a gravid female to lay.

Thanks andyscott :D frilly's are very nice hopefully they all go great for you :)
Jesskie what sort of temps are you maintaining for them?
Would a basking point at one end of an otherwise fairly cool viv be adequate?
There is VERY little information out there relating to the husbandry requirements of the species and I am very interested in finding out more.
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