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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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As she often does when I clean her enclosure, Zephyr crawled up my sleeve tonight. It's her little ritual. She climbs up as far as she can go and then turns around again. I've no idea why she does it - the warm, snug space probably appeals to her - but to me it's a special moment with a beautiful little animal. I'm so lucky to have her.

What moments remind you of how much you love your reptile(s)?
aw very cute :)
I stress a bit when they go up sleeves etc...because I wonder how I'd get them out without them freaking :p

reminds me of this...



(nothing special I know...but while we were on the topic of snuggling into places!)
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Cute pics Vamps, and nice story Renenet :)

Mine don't do anything to make me love them, I just do haha. I love watching them grow and shed, and I love the fact that they are comfortable with me to the point where they won't bite no matter what situation I've put them in. I find them fascinating when they eat.

I never really have looked at a snake and thought it was "cute", I think things they do are cute (cuddling up together, going to sleep under my shirt etc), I think they look cool. Puppies are cute, but I don't get that feeling from snakes. Having said that, I don't wish to collect puppies, but I don't think the acquiring of reptiles is going to slow any time soon.

They are just fantastic, and this forum is a big part of it, too. The majority of the time this is a good place to come and get info and have a chat with like minded people, and look at some stunning animals that I mentally put in a folder titled "purchase some day".

I love snakes :)
For me, it's when I have my ball python (Cleo) out for a handling and she gets really comfy and chilled out riding around on my shoulders or sitting with me on the couch and then when I get up and we start heading back to her room she gets really feisty and tries to snag herself on anything she can to keep from going back into her (quite spacious, I will say) enclosure. She really seems to display a desire to be brought out to our living area and doesn't mind having to stay put to convince us to keep her out. She doesn't try to really struggle and escape until she realizes it's time for her to go to her bedroom again, and I kind of like to tell myself it's because she enjoys the handling to some degree and not simply because she feels like it's a temporary escape victory against her human captors. :D
I love my baby SWCP so much, i have only had her a month but already i am beginning to feel really.........settled........ with her/him lol , shes finally started eating baby mice and i can finally start up a feeding routine, which is a huge relief to me, i got really worried there for a while, because when i first got her she didn't eat for a 2-3 weeks. Like every pet they are individual, and im starting to see little character quirks, which i find so fascinating, and i don't think i could be more pedantic about her care lol. I have to say, considering people make them out to be nippy little critters, she has never bitten me once ''touchwood'' lol, I think nippiness is not species specific, but individual with pythons.

Oh and i love that snake in the picture.
My pygmy python goes up my sleeve sometimes, it's not cute though, it becomes a state of panic as I start to freak out because he is so tiny that I can't feel him in my sleeve and the removal of my jumper could mean crushing him....

I have to roll up my sleeves otherwise he is gone in seconds before I realise.

as for cute things, as much as my bredli is a snob, she always always ventures up onto my head, wraps her tail around my pony tail and rests her head on the top of my head, almost every time I handle her.


You have a lovely bredli, Equinny. Same goes for your jungle, Vampstorso.

My pygmy python goes up my sleeve sometimes, it's not cute though, it becomes a state of panic as I start to freak out because he is so tiny that I can't feel him in my sleeve and the removal of my jumper could mean crushing him....

I know what you mean. It used to be like that with Zephyr but now that she's getting some weight to her I can feel where she is most of the time. She's always come out on her own when she's ready, I just have to be really careful how I move because I don't want to bend my elbow and crush her.
Lool my bredli hates me, but she still gets her own little condo with various other acessories and plenty of places to chill, unconditional love, i could of sold the brat ages ago is i was heartless, but she is my princess <3
i love it when they fall asleep on your lap lol. doesn't happen often but still awesome. i had my big bredli go to sleep for a whole movie on my lap.
no your not odd at all,they are a sweet animal.They are favourite snake to many a past snakeman,although funny enough there not my absolute fav,i reallylike them though
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