Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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I still love hearing common tree snakes referred to as yellow bellied blacks, most of the time these people also think its dangerous.

My favourite would have to be when I explain to someone that snakes aren't naturally aggressive animals and I'm usually met with a response of "thats not true, i was chased by an eastern brown, taipan etc - never a lesser known species - before". I usually ask them "what did you do to the snake" so often I hear "nothing, I was just walking along and stepped near it (or nearly on it)" it ****** me off that people can be so ridiculous I usually say that I said they're not naturally aggressive not that they dont defend themselves!
I went to a FAWNA meeting once where they were discussing the yellow-bellies. I actually felt really stupid when I tried to suggest it was a green tree snake because the woman telling the story raised her voice at me, "I KNOW WHAT A TREE SNAKE LOOKS LIKE." So I shut up after that and let her tell her story.
I've encountered that too. You can find individuals around Springbrook that match that description, though they are actually a very dark green. Stunning snake.

They are definitely stunning, I almost ran over one on the Warrego Highway at Laidley - it was so dark that it was difficult to distinguish from the road, luckily I saw it with with just enough time to position my car so that it went under the middle, avoiding any squashing from my car wheels. Needless to say I promptly pulled over and moved it off the road - as it may not have been so lucky the second time around.

I'll have to go looking at Springbrook - I'd love to see another one
They are definitely stunning, I almost ran over one on the Warrego Highway at Laidley - it was so dark that it was difficult to distinguish from the road, luckily I saw it with with just enough time to position my car so that it went under the middle, avoiding any squashing from my car wheels. Needless to say I promptly pulled over and moved it off the road - as it may not have been so lucky the second time around.

I'll have to go looking at Springbrook - I'd love to see another one
Reminds me of an idiot BF I had that I made stop so I could rescue a beautiful blue tree snake of the road on the way to Thora, he was petrified of snakes and all the way home we argued about pythons in the area and he was saying if they were black and white they had rbb in them and if they were brown they had tiger snake in them. He was getting pretty annoyed with me laughing by the end so I shut up.
I haven't heard any of these stories but it does make me want a nice long snake to snuggle up next to in bed at night :lol:
would have to say when i rang EPA to ask how many woma's i can keep on a rec licence few years back and they asked if they were venomous
made me laugh a bit

and an old lady at the local show out here told me about a "deadly dimond python" she got extremely cranky when i told her there not venomous :/

and these people live on to breed *face palm*
My husband and I were once regaled by a tale of a giant carpet python, around 30 foot by this dudes reckoning. Apparently it crossed the highway up north in front of his car, so he stopped to get a closer look, wrangled it into his car seat cover and was going to keep it but it escaped. How a 30 foot python managed to get out of his car while he was driving, without his noticing btw, I don't know, nor do I know how he managed to fit it into a car seat cover (back bench cover maybe?), but he was so animated telling us this story we didn't have the heart to tell him carpet pythons don't get to the size of retics.
Just nod and smile and look amazed; it makes them feel oh so special ;)
and an old lady at the local show out here told me about a "deadly dimond python" she got extremely cranky when i told her there not venomous :/

and these people live on to breed *face palm*

May have been a incorrectly id'd broad headed snake?? Have been told about venomous diamonds myself, however when I tell them to google the 2, they then aren't so sure it was a diamond
Oh, and I have had many people try to tell me that they have been chased for astronomical distances by Brown Snakes. Sometimes it's useless trying to convince them that it's all in their head and the snake was not chasing them at all!
I've unfortunately spoken to doctors and paramedics that don't know pythons aren't venomous...
i still love the story that everyone tell me about a friend of a friend who lets their python sleep in bed with them, when it stopped eating they took it to the vet and the vet said it was sizing her up to eat her :p i love it when people try to tell me to be careful that my snakes dont get out because they might try to eat me :p

I love how this story has been around for years but some one will come in to the shop tommorow and tell me that this just happened to the best freind just this week gone . I once i would tell them that it's bull now I just reply "SWEAT"

I once had someone tell me that if you toss a snake on the fire it will grow legs and run away. :lol:

Love to hear how many have tried this one

I always though I was the only one to hear these stories but as I see I'm not.

There's a 30ft snake that lives in the town water treatment dam in the middle of town that steals peoples dogs.
""' little theif """
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"Snakes are not naturally aggressive"

I don't know I had a Rough-scaled get pretty riled at a friend when he tried to catch a frog... that was in its mouth.
Oh, and I have had many people try to tell me that they have been chased for astronomical distances by Brown Snakes. Sometimes it's useless trying to convince them that it's all in their head and the snake was not chasing them at all!

I've been "chased" by a tiger snake in Tasmania. I may have disturbed it, but it followed me for a good 50 meters. I had no shoes on either, I was lucky because I had no idea it was there.

Another time in tassie my grandmother was mowing the lawn and a tiger snake headed straight toward her from 20 meters away, the vibrations didn't worry it at all. I saw it.

I'm not saying snakes are aggressive, they were obviously agitated. But in that mood they do keep moving forward.

I know the Indian fella that runs the local blockbuster. He gives me discounts because I show him pics of my snakes. He's crazy about them and wants one himself. He told me the story of the snake sizing people up and I said it was a myth, and then he showed me something quite funny (to me). He pulled out his camera phone and was showing me pics of what looked to be an MD about 1m long in the blockbuster store. The owner brings it in with him all the time under his hat!! He begs me to bring mine in but I keep telling him it's illegal. Cool guy, though.
I've been "chased" by a tiger snake in Tasmania. I may have disturbed it, but it followed me for a good 50 meters. I had no shoes on either, I was lucky because I had no idea it was there.

Another time in tassie my grandmother was mowing the lawn and a tiger snake headed straight toward her from 20 meters away, the vibrations didn't worry it at all. I saw it.

I'm not saying snakes are aggressive, they were obviously agitated. But in that mood they do keep moving forward.

I know the Indian fella that runs the local blockbuster. He gives me discounts because I show him pics of my snakes. He's crazy about them and wants one himself. He told me the story of the snake sizing people up and I said it was a myth, and then he showed me something quite funny (to me). He pulled out his camera phone and was showing me pics of what looked to be an MD about 1m long in the blockbuster store. The owner brings it in with him all the time under his hat!! He begs me to bring mine in but I keep telling him it's illegal. Cool guy, though.
The tiger that chased YOU was probably thinking 'GET OUT OF MY FACE'.

And yes, us Indians are pretty cool guys. :p
May have been a incorrectly id'd broad headed snake?? Have been told about venomous diamonds myself, however when I tell them to google the 2, they then aren't so sure it was a diamond

she was looking at a diamond i had on display and said the one that "nearly killed her" was 15feet long
i did a first aid course and the guy that did it had worked at sydney wildlife world with the Venomous pythons. i told him a million times that pythons arnt venomous but we was sure they were, he even told me that they are keped in a seeled room and you cant go in it unless you have done training with harmless pythons first.
i did a first aid course and the guy that did it had worked at sydney wildlife world with the Venomous pythons. i told him a million times that pythons arnt venomous but we was sure they were, he even told me that they are keped in a seeled room and you cant go in it unless you have done training with harmless pythons first.
Hahahahahhahh you sure he wasnt just trolling
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