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I dont think anyone has any adults it was only last year that the first ones were hatched in oz... Buy the way how are they going to anyone that has them??? My guess is that there is probably going to be many issues with them as we will find out down the track with neuro as well as over all health and being very susceptible to diseases...??? Interested as no one whos trying to sell them is going to let on about there problems...
I dont think anyone has any adults it was only last year that the first ones were hatched in oz... Buy the way how are they going to anyone that has them??? My guess is that there is probably going to be many issues with them as we will find out down the track with neuro as well as over all health and being very susceptible to diseases...??? Interested as no one whos trying to sell them is going to let on about there problems...
this post should be deleted for just being a load of crap.....
Why???? Only after years of breeding albino darwins were finding there way more susceptible to diseases and them dying from cancer very suddenly males being totally lazy breeders the list goes on and you add the neuro issues of jags.... How is that bullcrap...???
Lazy breeders... From doc roc himself in an article he wrote.. And my own efforts after adding hets into the mix my females are ovulating only now..
Susceptible to diseases from a big well known respected breeder I bought my four off and my own findings when housing over 100+ snakes in the same conditions including het albinos to find ONLY the albinos come down with R.I.
Cancer ...two mates and someone on this site have done autopsy on there dead snakes to find them riddled with cancer... Just my findings my oppinon im not saying there all bad and some people are having great success but i will be suprised to hear after adding neuro into the mix theres not going to be problems...
Google good one ha ha my oppinion everyones entitled too one...
Lol nice early morning APS argument. Poor OP just wanted to see some pics

Yah you have got to love it.
There is a nice albino jag in Morelia Milkshake thread bred by Colin as stated by junglejags.

Saying his post should b deleted is ignorant!!
It's all very valid, even the albino olive had problems with there eyes.
T+ albino childreni are troublesome breeders.
As beautiful as they all are, albinism is a genetic defect

Coupled with another genetic defect u couldn't imagine them being to perfect.
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Albinism is not a genetic defect just as hypomelanistic,melanistic & other colour traits are not.
They happen naturaly in nature & it is through further genetic breeding that colours are enhanced or changed.
It is normally when weaker animals are bred to other weaker animals that the problem occurs.
Genetic mutation has been happening all the time, it is when breeders carefully improve the genetic line that strong animals are produced.
You could look at many different animals to find where this has happened & the pet bird industry is a classic example.

This is my opinion & just like everyone else is entitled to have an opinion, but there is no reason for bagging others & making a skite of ones self. Just as junglejags knows Simon & Lexy1 has 100+ snakes thats makes everyone an expert.LOL.

Mungus asked were my facts are from I told him were knowledge has come from if I had of said only my albinos come down with R.I someone would have fired up saying your not keeping them right but you cant say that out of a 100+ animals and only the albinos come down with R.I that it is a husbandry problem.... Now I didnt feel I had to prove my opinnion to everyone, after all its just my oppinion. Funny how jungle jags has gone quiet and if he would like I can p.m. another article on how the slective breeding of albinos to carry on that recessive trait can and will reduce the genetic diversity therefor leaving it more susceptible to illness... Im no expert I never will be im here to learn and understand more about the animals I keep.. If you ask the guys on how the albino blackheads are going they will tell you **** the same as the trouble with the albino olives... So all these problems come down to the one same factor albinism...

Just my oppinion...

Junglejags back peddle fast.....!!!!
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Mungus asked were my facts are from I told him were knowledge has come from if I had of said only my albinos come down with R.I someone would have fired up saying your not keeping them right but you cant say that out of a 100+ animals and only the albinos come down with R.I that it is a husbandry problem.....
Actually it still could be due to a husbandry problem....

Funny how jungle jags has gone quiet and if he would like I can p.m. another article on how the slective breeding of albinos to carry on that recessive trait can and will reduce the genetic diversity therefor leaving it more susceptible to illness....

actually i went out, some of us have a life.... and feel free to pm me that article. line breeding if done correctly in pythons does not weaken the animals and alot of people have asked for proof on these claims.

If you ask the guys on how the albino blackheads are going they will tell you **** the same as the trouble with the albino olives... So all these problems come down to the one same factor albinism...

Im not disagreeing with you about the olives and blackheads but the original animals are weak and are passing it on to offspring, this is not the case with darwins....

Junglejags back peddle fast.....!!
not back peddling i stand by all my statements
I have been keeping and breeding albino darwins going on 9 years now and have none come down with RI's or any other health issues in that time.
How could you not consider albinism to be a defect?
In people where it's studied better it's associated with lung, bowl and eye problems. Sure it's a mutation we want in snakes but if in the wild its a mutation that that would most likely lead to death.
Ramsayi thats awesome im stoked for you i truly am... As I said thats not the case for all albinos some people are definately having great success I am just voicing my opinnion and my experiences and the others that have had similar issues..... All good congrats Ramsayi..
How could you not consider albinism to be a defect?
In people where it's studied better it's associated with lung, bowl and eye problems. Sure it's a mutation we want in snakes but if in the wild its a mutation that that would most likely lead to death.

white phoenix was found in the wild as an adult......

and still waiting for the article on how the slective breeding of albinos to carry on that recessive trait can and will reduce the genetic diversity therefor leaving it more susceptible to illness....
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It is my opinion that i like these snakes & i can't wait to see one colour up.
If you don't like then don't buy. I hope that the OP got a lot from this thread.
If not they just got a taste of APS.
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