What makes you like/hate spiders?

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What you need to do is make her lose her unjustified fear of spiders the best way to to this is to place one on her face while she is asleep then when she wakes up she will no longer have an unjustified fear of them ;)

hehe... it reminds me of when I lived next door to people I wasn't fond of... They were a little messy to say the least and dumped stuff on my property...

I used to catch the NZ huntsman (slightly smaller than the aussie ones) and release them in their property.. normally through their open toilet windows. Normally I wouldn't have to wait long for the screams... unless I had to do it at night... The downside... My spider relocation program ended with many fatalaties in NZ Huntsman... But it got a few good laughs.
generally you cant get a disease through eating but it depends on the type and if the animal is also susceptible to that disease.

i dont like how theyr such a creepy crawly. relly fast, really hard to find, too small to have a personality (atleast you can see when a snake is ****ed off, usually), possibly deadly. urgh dont like em. its prob also something in our instincts to not like em as they are deadly + the general press they get like snakes just no1 really cares

on the daddy long legs thing though, im pretty sure they have the most toxic venom of all spiders but they definitely dont have fangs long enough to make an effective penetration into the skin/flesh (key word effective). im sure spider venom has the same prob as snake venom. the only way to make sure about the order and potency is mass human tests (not a popular idea, although a cull wouldnt hurt;)) so they may not effect human flesh and systems like they do their prey
just found something worse than spiders!!
bloody wasps, just belted one with a phone book (hope theres no wasp lovers on here) and it didnt do a thing.... at least ya can kill a spider if u have too....
Thanks slim6y that is a very interesting report, do you know which species its refering to in Oz?

The portia species - there's too many to identify as far as I know. I have a book that just gives 3 or 4 - but the jumping spiders are a diverse bunch.
I have a certain huntsman that comes out at nite and eats all the lil roaches but when I go to the potty he sits on the wall and watches lol one day im going to scream if he jumps out at me...gotta love them there unpredictable...Mouse spiders are common here in darwin I kill them everytime i see one in the house they are poisonous nasty fat lookin things :s
on the daddy long legs thing though, im pretty sure they have the most toxic venom of all spiders but they definitely dont have fangs long enough to make an effective penetration into the skin/flesh (key word effective).

No they don't, that's an urban myth.

Jordo said:
Thanks slim6y that is a very interesting report, do you know which species its refering to in Oz?



They never used to worry me untill I got nailed by a Redback (house full of some of the worlds most venomous snakes and I get hit by a spider - go figure). Decided to ride out the envenomation.
Tip for new players - if you ever get nailed by a Redback, GO TO HOSPITAL. I was sick as a mongrel dog for 3 days. Definately not a happy chappy.
I hate hairy big spiders like huntsman, they have proven to chase me. No body believes that they chase me until they actually see it for themselfs. And they always come in threes. i was even bitten last year when i had gotten my boss to kill two at work for me that day, and that night i was feeding my dog and one bit me when i put my hand on his food container.

I'm not scared of smaller spiders, like redbacks, they don't seem to chase me.
I hate hairy big spiders like huntsman, they have proven to chase me. No body believes that they chase me until they actually see it for themselfs. And they always come in threes. i was even bitten last year when i had gotten my boss to kill two at work for me that day, and that night i was feeding my dog and one bit me when i put my hand on his food container.

I'm not scared of smaller spiders, like redbacks, they don't seem to chase me.

HAHAHA.... Just want to re-iterate - one bit me when i put my hand on his food container... and laughingly I must say... well of course they come in threes if you leave food containers out for them... im suprised you haven't got more (sorry - just trying to be funny and realising im not)
lol huntsmans are bad here in darwin omfg you be out watering your garden just on dusk and they come out of the grass cause its wet they just scurry across the floor and your all like jumpy tryin to get away in case they climb ya legs lol with me they just sit and stare then pounce talking of that the toilet gives them great places to hide i was reaching for toilet paper and it was in the roll part it crawled out on my hand i squeeled as i do being half asleep and woke the whole house:| i hate them
I used to retstump houses for a living . We had to crawl around under floors with spiders snakes and fossilised cats and rats etc . You either get over it or quit . It was fun going into lunch shops in Toorak or wherever with webs draped allover you and spiders crawling through your beard . Remember you are never more than 1 meter from a spider . I for one gladly welcome our Spider Overlords .
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