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Lol, moosenoose, i hav a suggestion for u:

Go form a nihilist colony on a secluded island and everyday you and your followers can bask in the despair of the world and roll on the floor saying how naive it is to fight for what you believe in.

Stop spreading ur cynical crap onto other ppl. U reckon we shld all go die in a hole because there's a bad man outside dumping his nuclear waste in the ocean. I don't know about u, but personally, i believe in integrity, commonly mistaken for naivety, and i believe that the greatest form of courage is persisting in the face of defeat, well aware that you will fail.

Cynicism is the weakest moral standpoint (if u can call it that), and basically is an intellectual excuse for laziness and immorality.

Whatever lol I'm not wanting to form any group, we're all part of it anyway ;) I'm stupid to come on here and post my views on the subject. Paint it pretty as you like, this planet is in real strife and we're all too lazy to change it. And thats including myself! Make sure you put the recycling in the recycle bin and so forth okay ;)
Get some Frill necks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When they go on class 1 in nsw,me and all me mates want em badly:cry: Its not like there that much harder than a beardie to keep eh?

The the woma rumour thing, how would we go about getting frillies considered for class 1?? if its possible.
The only exotic i really want anyways is a chamelion, everything else basically gets too big to keep:| and will only end up getting let go into the wild.

Maybe they could start by letting a few of the less hazardous lizard species first and go from there???:?
When they go on class 1 in nsw,me and all me mates want em badly:cry: Its not like there that much harder than a beardie to keep eh?

The the woma rumour thing, how would we go about getting frillies considered for class 1?? if its possible.

I'm sure they're a lot flightier and would be harder to keep than another form of lizard.

That being said, I don't really understand how some herps are classed (such as Womas), but at least you can take solace in the fact that eventually you'll be able to own one. It doesn't take too long to get a class 2 (i'm about to go for mine, and will be buying a Woma).

My 2 cents on the topic:

Like Boa, I don't understand why some people here get so defensive when people merely state that they like exotic animals, or that they even would like one. Personally, I love some exotic species, just like I love native species, and the fact that I do like them and would love to keep them doesn't mean i'm the sinister kind of person who would disobey the law to do so. Laws are in place for a reason, and I respect that. I can be dissapointed about the fact that i'll never get to raise my own little chameleon, but I respect that by obtaining a licence, and buying native fauna.

What also really gets my goat with this place, is how some members treat some of the newer less experienced members. I understand that a question may have been asked often, but if it annoys you maybe it's best to just ignore it, or better yet, be proactive about maybe getting something done about it instead of having a go at the people who don't know any better. I know that when I first started out, I had no idea that I couldn't keep exotics, and like any person, I asked a question regarding it. What is wrong with that? Should have I been felt like I was doing something wrong merely because I was asking a question? Is the fact that we can't keep exotics that well advertised, for you to have a go at me (hypothetically) for not being 'in' on public knowledge? Instead of being nasty and negative, why don't you identify the 'problem' and ask the mods to do something about it. I'm sure that if this is asked so often, the mods could simply add a noticeboard or FAQ where this kind of information is kept. In the end, acting like this to new members isn't doing anything for the community here. Just think about that before reacting the way some of you do.

BTW, those emerald monitors are GORGEOUS. Anyone have any more info on them?
MannyM i know what your saying ok i really do. the idea of this was not to have people directly attack other users (i noted that in the first post) the intentions of this was for people to post whatever they felt in relevence to the exotic vs native pet trade being legalised. my intentions was to build on the arguements and points people spoke about in order get a clear understanding of what people actually beleived on the arguement. Im still a beleiver of not having exotics but i feel that we all have valid points and the classic "exotics are already here" was touched upon but we did get some good point. Please people continue this discussion but try to avoid offending others and keep it clean.
MannyM i know what your saying ok i really do. the idea of this was not to have people directly attack other users (i noted that in the first post) the intentions of this was for people to post whatever they felt in relevence to the exotic vs native pet trade being legalised.

I wouldn’t be so surprised at that happening Zanejb, luckily it seems to happen less on here these days, but hey, everyone has an opinion, just because I am right and most people are wrong (Like Timotei :D) doesn’t get me too upset :D :lol:
lol actually i forgot i was in this thread and i thought i was in the one i started. that post was inteneded for that one not this one. But like i said we all have valid points its just a matter of whether or not people want to listen or understand.
OK folks I am from the states and from Florida originally to make it a little clearer. I believe you all must have heard of the exotics trouble in Florida but if you haven't ... well it sucks. In the southern part of the state there are a huge number of exotics breeding and chasing out our natives.

Here is the thing, not all the natives get chased out, or more to the point extirpated, some do just fine. But there is a very real, large portion that get decimated. It doesn't happen overnight either it takes years. In some cases 5-10 in other 20-40 but it does happen. No a days I cringe when I see field reports of south Florida because people will visit and see 25-30 different species but only 5 will be natives.

On a different angle iguanas suck anyway. The are more often mean, hardly ever cared for properly, and are often released or given up to others to care for. The herp society I am in has made it a policy to refuse iguanas rescues because they take up to much space and they can't be given away. It takes away from our ability to save more animals because we get stuck with them. The only good thing about them is I hear they taste like chicken. :lol:

It is something to fight for because someone is telling you you can't have it but it is not really worth it. My next snakes coming in are womas and my next animal on my wish list will BHP. After that diamond pythons, and lace monitors are but a dream here in the states. You guys have amazing animals over there and what you are missing out on is not worth the problems you will get with them.


Here is a Okeetee Cornsnake

I wouldn’t be so surprised at that happening Zanejb, luckily it seems to happen less on here these days, but hey, everyone has an opinion, just because I am right and most people are wrong (Like Timotei :D) doesn’t get me too upset :D :lol:

Lol, i actually thought, from ur initial reaction to my post, that u were a mature individual moosenoose! How wrong i was. :lol:
Btw, thanks 4 ur input Jason, gd insight into a nation that has experienced wat some are contemplating here. I think it's quite obvious that if u want exotics there are plenty of other countries to which u can go. If u want a pure, native industry, however, such countries are becoming very few and far between. It's just not worth it.
[FONT=&quot]A couple of things need to be said about this issue.
Both sides (yes for exotics and no for exotics), have their reasons for their views and choices but u have to look at the big picture people!!!
Many here have said that we should legalise the keeping of exotics to take the "Black" off the subject. U have to stand back and think about this. Legalising the keeping of exotics would not lesson the numbers released into the wild, if anything would increase it, as it would make exotics a whole lot easier to purchase and import into Australia, meaning more numbers coming in. [/FONT]
Apart from the obvious possible impact exotics may cause to Australia's environment and flora and fauna, u have to think about the possibility of exotic keepers being bitten by exotic poisonous species. If they were legalised that would be a serious public safety issue and certain exotic species would have to be milked for antivenom. Being a volunteer worker at the Australian Reptile Park, ive seen that it takes fair amount of time, work and energy to hold, care for and then milk the large number of venomous snakes so anti venom can be made. And Thats Just Australian Snakes!!!
Having to do this to countless Exotic venomous species would be a long tedious and hard job.

There are both good points on each side of the argument. But one of the dumest things i think people don't realize is exotics don't need to be imported, there are a tone of exotics already.

I am not going any further into the subject because thins start to get personal.

If anything was to be legalised to do with exotics, it would have to be something like a program where people who hold exotics and no longer want them but cant get rid of them, would be able to hand them over to certain facilities with no questions asked. This would hopefully lessen the possibility of exotics already in Australia, being released into the wild.

There are both good points on each side of the argument. But one of the dumest things i think people don't realize is exotics don't need to be imported, there are a tone of exotics already.

I am not going any further into the subject because thins start to get personal.


What i was trying to get across was the point that if exotics are legalised within Australia, there will be a major increase in their numbers compared to the ones that are allready here. Their legalisation would mean the increase in their numbers and the possibility of wild populations of exotics within Australia.
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