antaresia stimsoni

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. I

    Seems a bit low..

    Hey guys, I'm new reptiles and also this site. I have bought a new Stimson python and a glass terrarium, unfortunately i was loosing a lot of heat with this enclosure and i have read that a wooden enclosure will be more efficient with less heat loss. I currently have a 100watt ceramic heat...
  2. K

    I'm new and need some help with questions.

    Hello I'm new to wanting a snake and to the Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forums. I was just wondering if some people with experience could answer me some questions like: Well, I want a python that isn't aggressive and that remains small and thin. Which I've heard are the Childrens Python, Stimsons...
  3. Raebiez

    7 month old jungle - shedding eating etc

    I got a 3 month old jungle python from a lady who could only tell me "it shed and due for a feed" I read up on everything as much as I could on the internets but a lot of it conflicts. So now confused. For fears of feeding her something too big ive been feeding her pinky mice and when I took...
  4. Justdragons

    Pygmy stimi love

    So im super excited and nobody in my regular non reptile online life cares, but my 2 pygmy stimsoni are copulating as I type.. I so so bloomin proud of em and happy. I've been trying to get these 2 to nate for 2 seasons now. This is my first python copulation ever.. Sorry a terrible pic but I...
  5. L

    Should I soak my snake?

    Hi all, I did a post a few days ago because my snake has been 'opaque' for about 2 weeks. Some one said he will shed when he sheds but on snake ranches website it says, if the snake has been opaque for more than 10 days you may have to intervene. The problem is I don't know if he is brumating...
  6. B

    Proper Scientific Name For Bredli...

    Can somebody confirm for me the correct scientific name for Bredli? I have seen it listed as Morelia Bredli, and in other places listed as Morelia Spilota Bredli. Could somebody please confirm for me the correct scientific name? Thanks.....
  7. L

    Why isn't my snake shedding?

    Hi all, just a quick question about my snake. He hasn't shed for almost 7 weeks, and today when I took him out his skin was wrinkled around his neck. He seems to have been in the opaque stage for around 2 weeks and it's starting to worry me. His last 4 sheds were fine with no added humidity ect...
  8. J

    Reptiles forming attachments to inanimate objects???

    My 14 month old MD python has had a plastic dinosaur in her tank since she was about 3 months old, and she's always climbed all over it, she wraps herself around it when I pick her up to take her out of her tank, and recently she's started sleeping on it. I know this sounds crazy, but I think...
  9. amethistina

    Hey all

    Introduction of my self; I live in Denmark and i´ve been keeping snakes and other reptiles since 1995. My main focus is on the amethistina complex. I currently keep; 1.1 Morelia amethistina "Jayapura" 1.1 Morelia amethistina "Merauke" 1.0 Morelia amethistina "Aru type 2 patternless" 0.1 Morelia...
  10. S

    G'day from W.A

    Greets all Well I'm now the proud Grandfather of a 5 month old Stimson Python named ''Baby''. The snake was purchased two weeks ago for my 10 year old daughter, who has wanted her own snake for years, after much badgering from her and my wife. Don't worry I had an enclosure, hides, water...
  11. chris_wade

    Antaresia identity help.

    I bought this girl as a female children's python about 2 years ago which makes her about 3 years old now. shes around the 250g mark and around 3 ft. all the children's i have seen don't have as dark markings as her still and iv'e been told different things by tons of different people. shes a...
  12. W

    Night temps

    Hello again, just a quick question. right now as you guys have obviously noticed its getting really cold. and it is making me worry about my Stimmie ( waiting on the sex before i name them) right now i am waiting to buy a high end thermostat i really wanted to buy a decent one but they are very...
  13. NightFury

    Different Localities

    I have searched the forums here and can't seem to find an answer but I was considering one day breeding my stimson python, but was wondering if I would have to get a female of the same locality (broome). I don't think locality matters too much, but was wondering what your opinions would be...
  14. M

    Hi All!

    Hi Everyone, Just taking the advise of my welcome email and posting a hello introduction to the forum. I've just recently decided to get myself back into the hobby. I use to be very involved in herpetology when I was a teenager (20 years ago now). Back then I was mostly keeping elapids. I'm...
  15. B

    Crappy Weather in Sydney

    After waking at 3 am as normal (curse not having a job) and going back about 6 I thought is was a good day for a "cuddle " .Not so , so I went into the lounge and was Happy to see that at least our Stimsons thought like me . Bring on the baby season !!!!!:)
  16. hunterschamps

    Anyone here in the Mildura area?

    Hi all, Just curious to see if there are any other herpers on here from the mildura area? Cheers, Paul
  17. NightFury

    Hello All

    Not actually new here, made an account a few years back, wish I knew then what I know now (looking back over it feel rather stupid and embarrassed at my lack of knowledge). Thought I'd say hi and join back in, have been lurking around the past few months (more like a year), looking at the recent...
  18. W

    Hello and help me name my snake

    Hey just thought i would introduce my self, my names Nick and i am very new to keeping snakes. i just bought a stimsons python (windorah locale) three weeks ago, and i thought it would it would be best to join a forum just in case i needed any help. although i am new to snakes i have kept a...
  19. D

    So where's the poop?

    So I'm new to owning snakes and I've done LOTS of research, even took my little guy to the reptile vet less than 24 hours after getting him just to check he was healthy. I've had Earl, my ten month old diamond python, three weeks now. Prior to picking him up he had not been fed in a month...
  20. D

    Turning down heat?

    Hi everyone as you may be able to see by small amount of posts iv got here im not very long into the hobby and still have some questions lol. Anyway i have a stimsons python about a year and a half old who back about a month ago started to refuse feeding in the start of winter without me...
  21. T

    Dead Stimsoni. :(

    Hey guys, I just found my 1 year old female stimsoni dead and I'm not really sure why. I've got eating and shedding records since birth and theres been nothing wrong with feeding. Last feed was on 19/5/13 and then she went blue and shed on 6/5/13. Then today I found her dead. She's been eating...
  22. K

    Pygmy stimson pythons adult pair

    This adult pair are 3 yrs of age. Feeding well on adult mice.A unique sized and patterned animal,will produce handsome offspring.BEAUTIFUL CARAMEL AND CHOCOLATE COLOURATION,BLOTCHING AND BANDS......Raised in pristine conditions throughout their 3 yrs.WILL HAPPILY FREIGHT ANYWHERE ,same day...
  23. A

    strange things to feed a snake

    this is something really strange i heard, the lady i bought my snake tank from was trying to tell me i should try giving my babies berries and egg, common sense tells me it's nonsense though when they're big enough i have heard of snakes that will eat eggs whole although she was saying to crack...
  24. H

    Click Clack with Precision!

    Hi all, What I am about to show you all is what occurs when you build a click clack and have self-diagnosed OCD (easy way of saying perfectionist for me). While I already had a click clack for my beautiful little girl, Alice (Alice Springs Stimson Python), I decided that I wanted to create...
  25. L

    need HELP!

    Hey all, i have a 14mo old stimmie(coral) she is in a 600x400x500 enclosure, mainly wooden with flexiglas sides and front doors. i have a vent on both sides and a heatmat under 1/3 of the tank. i am new to all this and am wondering if i should add in some sort of heat globe/lamp/basking light or...
  26. longqi

    Debate......Can you train snakes??

    Bit of discussion about training snakes in another thread about this So lets throw it open to debate Hopefully the answers will be more than yes or no
  27. L

    Can I put my stimsons python on sand for a change?

  28. becwatson14

    Snappy snake

    I am getting so scared of my snake, i am getting so tempted to give up and sell her and get a hand tame hatchie or something, but i dont want to have to do that, she is a gorgeous snake, but for the last 7 months she hasnt been handled and majorly assotiates hands with food because she was only...
  29. K


    Hi all. Have been reading forum articles dor a few month's now and finally de ided to join. I am the proud owner of a 4 month old woma. Never knew a snake would be so curious and inquisitive im glad I took the time to research what I wanted as first thoughts were to get a stimsons. I have...
  30. Sammi

    Female Proserpine Coastal

    Species Common Name Proserpine Coastal Age 1 year 4 months Length Quantity Available 1 Bred By Vixen on this site General Description Female Proserpine with nice markings, healthy and no problems shedding or feeding. Can be snappy to handle at times Location Grafton NSW Willing to...
  31. Y

    Has the Code of Practice made racks obsolete in NSW?

    I have just been checking the size of vision racks (Snake Racks Australia), to me it looks like their racks are all to small when you consider the climbing restriction of most carpet pythons. Anyone know if they will be increasing the size of their rack/tubs so that us in NSW will be able to...
  32. T


    I guess the best place to start is here. I am an experienced keeper of pythons and some types of lizards. I have visited the forum here occasionally over the years and have decided to bite the bullet and sign up. I currently only keep one little stimsons python and a few lizards but I am...
  33. H

    Stimson Shedding Half Done!

    Hi all, This is a distress call as I have read just about every post on this forum regarding the shedding help for snakes but this is my first python and first shed. My Alice Springs Stimson Python is trying her best to shed, rubbing up against the bark in her click clack but to no avail. She...
  34. TommyG

    Winter Heating For Stimsons Python.

    Hi All, I have a 3 year old Stimsons Python that I have left the temperature fairly constant through the last 3 years as it was a juvi. As we're heading into winter now, is there any benefits of dropping the temperature down? The snake isn't going to used for breeding or anything and I know...
  35. saximus

    Breeding Dead Leucys

    A post in another thread got me thinking about this and I thought it might be interesting to find out opinions on the subject. A lot of the time when relative newbies ask about Jag breeding, they are warned against breeding Jag pairs as probability says about a quarter of the clutch are doomed...
  36. Gabby95

    Hey everyone

    Hi guys, I'm Gabby, recently bought my first python. I have always been a snake and in general reptile fan so after a trip to a reptile stocking pet shop I saw the very gorgeous Bredli Python. He (I'm just assuming Gavin's a he) was a very spur of the moment buy, I fell in love with his...
  37. B

    Hi from WA

    Hi everyone. Both my partner and myself are huge snake fans and have for the last 5+ years we have been saying we want a snake one day. Well after a bit of research my partner and I are looking at getting our first pet snake this year. But we are a bit unsure on a few things so I thought I'd...
  38. G


    I'm wanting to buy a Stimson python but I'll have to keep it in the same room as my knobbies will this be a problem? if so can any one provide and an alternative. also as this is my first snake and it's a hatchling I'm planning on keeping it in a 7lt click clack with drilled holes on the side a...
  39. bohdi13

    New addition

    hey guys and girls, as some of you may know there was the first ever West Australian reptile expo in Perth on the 19th of may. was an amazing day but something that really brightened it up was getting my new south west carpet python (Morelia spilota imbricata). she is a wild caught supposed 1-2...
  40. W

    My snake doesn't seem happy :(

    Hey everyone, my GTS has just had his first shed and I feel like he spend most of his day trying to get out of his enclosure :(. I handle him daily and take him out into the sun each morning but he still does this. I do change the environment of the enclosure and add new and differs style...
  41. PilbaraPythons

    Who attended the W.A Expo?

    Who here who doesn't live in W.A attended the first W.A Herp expo? Not too many I would think. They tel lme the numbers through the door were close to 10 000 people so quite a success I think.
  42. B

    Chidren's Python

    hi just wondering if anyone has any info on children's python. it would be appreciated if you could post some info
  43. B

    Maculosa won't eat ??

    Please help, cheers
  44. Becca-Marie

    Funny escapes

    With a few “lost my snake“threads around on a few forums i thought i would see how many people have amusing stories about found escapees. Heres mine: On the way home from work (about 5 years ago) i got a call from my bf at the time telling me lillith (my angry coastal hatchie) was not in her...
  45. J

    Heating for Stimson python

    Hi guys, I apologise if this has already come up on previous threads here. I'm new to this site and was wondering if anyone could tell me about heating for a Stimson python hatchling. I will use a small click clack system and transfer to it a melamine enclosure later on. I'm just wondering if a...
  46. P

    Wheatbelt Stimsons Hatchlings

    Species Common Name Wheatbelt stimson python Age hatchling Length Quantity Available 1 female Bred By Me General Description Handles and feeds great Location Peakhurst (St George Area) Willing to Freight? At buyers expense Contact Details 0413478420 License Number (Required...
  47. dan88

    5yr old male stimsons python FTGH

    Quantity Available 1 General Description 5 yr old male stimmie. Need him gone, cannot provide the time to care for him properly. Needs more handling, free to good home. Do have a great setup enclosure also if you need for $450. Snake is free to good home. Location Horsley park Willing to...
  48. A

    Hatchling Bredli Enclosure Help

    G'day guys, I've been super keen to get a Bredli hatchling now for quite a while. It will be my second snake with my first being a Stimsons. Now I've got 3 separate 'click clacks' that i could use, but if needs be i could duck into bunnings and get a more suitable one. The first one i have is a...
  49. H

    Enclosure Sizing

    Hey guys! Okay, here is there basics to the story of my first snake... I have been researching about snakes and all of their requirements for a long while now (just on 8 months) and yesterday I finally bit the bullet and purchased one straight from a pet store. Yes - it was overpriced... In...
  50. J

    overheated reptile room

    The heater in my reptile room malfunctioned overnight and the reptiles were exposed to supposedly high tempratures. As a result all my pythons (blackheads, womas, stimsons, bredli and olives) are showing a few signs of problems. They all have had opaque eyes for the last month since the incident...