
Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. A

    Juvenile Children's Python feeding behaviour

    Hi, here's my first post in here! My children's python Artie is about 11 months old and has always had a fairly calm temperament. Just recently, though, he's been very snappy and active, wriggling around to the point it's hard to hold him in the one spot. I've been feeding him one pinkie mouse a...
  2. J

    Olive python hatchling striking cage

    Hey guys I recently got a Olive python hatchling, roughly 650mm long, it's currently in a hatchling cage (600x 300x 150) that has a hiding cave and a water bowl, as well as a heat map underneath the cave. What concerns me is that it is constantly striking anything that moves even when there's...
  3. Jarrad_lee420

    Tank temperature.

    Hey everyone!! I live in Adelaide South Australia and I’m still new to handling snakes. I have a 5 month old coastal carpet python and it’s beautiful. It’s quite a hot day today here in Adelaide and I need some tips on keeping my tank at the right temperature so it doesn’t over heat it while the...
  4. S

    2 coastal carpet pythons

    New to forums so apologies if not posting correctly 2 coastal carpets - 10 years old One of the snakes is a fussy eater Not handled enough anymore - life has gotten busier and busier In the Logan area
  5. Sarah&Domino

    Licencing and adoption?

    I am adopting a python through the RSPCA, and am new to reptiles. I have seen that movement advice needs to be sent to the government? Will I have to do that or should the RSPCA do that for me? Im in QLD, and have got an RWL
  6. Jarmo Kuhna

    Python, The sly strangler

    I dont know is this right Place to ask but I had looking for some documentary about snakes and I find out it is Python: The sly strangler from year 1997 Does anyone in here have that documentary ? I would be very grateful if I can finally get that
  7. T

    help with darwin carpet not eating

    hi i have a female yearling darwin carpet im not sure on the exact age but i would say between a year and two years cannot be sure though sorry. she last fed on the 20th of november. at 7:15pm she took a bit of time to finally strike at the food, so i did i bit of teasing and she stuck and ate...
  8. J

    Admirer looking for advice

    Hi guys, Very keen to get my first snake just want any tips and advice. What sort of pythons should I look at? What type of enclosure? Where to buy from? (I live in goonellabah mear ballina) I'm not too bothered on what kind, just want to make sure i get the most out of having a python.
  9. B

    Substrate Question

    As I wait for my license to arrive I've been doing my research (this weekend I'm going to visit a couple of reptile sellers). In the book "Keeping & Breeding Australian Pythons" it's mentioned a suitable substrate for a stimmies is marine gravel or newspaper. I'm keen to read people's thoughts...
  10. DatBoi21

    Spotted Python won't eat but acts like she is hungry?

    ive got a 9-10 month old spotted python and shes a sweetheart but recently shes been having some feeding issues where at first it just took like 40 mins for her to actually eat then she started eating good and now shes just like eh nice food you got, ill just lick it then slither away. all of...
  11. B

    New from St Kilda

    So after many years I have finally decided to own a snake finally. My interest began when I was a kid growing up in QLD and a primary school teacher of mine use to come to class with a carpet snake draped over her shoulders (she set up a tank in the classroom for it to stay when in school). I...
  12. SilentBandicoot

    Stimpson Python - Warning Strikes and Foamy Mouth

    Hi everybody. Recently my partner and I acquired two pythons. A Woma for myself and a Stimpson for her. We got them from a local breeder that was known for really loving his snakes, making sure their happy and healthy, and they have a reputation for being really relaxed and easy to handle...
  13. T

    new bloke here with a question

    g'day anyone reading this. I am new here to the forum and just had a question i was wanting answered if possible. i got a darwin carpet about a month ago he is a great little bugger, really energetic, great to watch and handle. But the past two days he has gone into his hide and has not come...
  14. Barmy

    I'm hoping to get a GTP! Any tips?

    Are GTPs aggressive? I know they have longer teeth than most pythons but are they okay with being handled? What size enclosure is necessary? I have heard something about a 'fragile stage'...? Any other useful info?
  15. Jafar

    Yesterday I obtained a Woma python! (Unboxing video)

    Hello guys, hello from Greece, this is me unboxing a Woma python! Fascinating and really unique species... Hope you enjoy, have fun, visit my YouTube channel if you like :P
  16. Gold Coast Pet Centre

    Childrens and Stimsons for sale $150 each!!

    Gold Coast Pet Centre is having a renovations sale on all pythons. Most are around the 2 year old mark, some a little older, some slightly younger. All healthy and eating adult mice, with feed charts. Come in store to 4/110 Kortum Drv, West Burleigh and mention this ad to receive the special...
  17. N

    Spotted python poop

    Hi everyone, I have a new spotted python he is 8 months old, ive had him 3 days and he was feed 3 days ago. However im yet to see any poop in the tank. Should i be worried or is it normal? Also can snakes be overfed?
  18. StunningMorelia

    John Montgomery Details

    Hi all! Does anyone know if John Montgomery still breeds his Palmerston jungles or would have any available? And if it would be possible to get contact details for him? Cheers!
  19. Dobby

    Deciding What Snake To Buy!?!?!?!

    Im a green handler and want a hatchy to grown my skills as it grows. I've thought of the spotted pythons and the albino darwins but am not sure which has the best temperament or what is easier too look after. From google it seems the spotted python are a really tame python but don't grow very...
  20. floweringqueen

    Dry Nose Issue On Jungle Python

    Help with what is going on with my girl's nose! She did have a small nose injury, like an abrasion, 2 sheds ago and since then, the scales on top of the nose tip change texture as she progresses in her cycle, getting worst just before shedding, then it clears with the shed. I am concerned now...
  21. Aztec

    Burleigh Heads (or Near) Snake Sitter Please

    I have just brought my snake down to the Gold Coast and built him a fantastic crib. I am in the process of relocating from the far north and staying with a friend that has a cat and for this reason won't allow me to have my Python with me. Is there anyone preferably female (my baby likes...
  22. Cjwooster

    Set Up Help

    Hey guys, I have a 900mm(W) x 400mm(H) x 400mm(D) enclosure that I am going to set up for my little woma python. He isn't ready to move out of the click clack yet, but it won't be too long now. How do I set this up? I was told to use a heat cord, what wattage heat cord do I use and how do I put...
  23. SerpentWanderer

    Looking For A Young Childrens/spotted/stimpsons/pygmy Python

    Hello everyone, I am in the Brisbane Area and finally committed to getting a RWL and am looking for a young python of any of the above title variety. Wanting to buy between May and August and looking for a juvenile. I have had reptiles previously as a child (childrens, bluey, bearded dragon) for...
  24. C

    General Question Regarding Diamond Pythons Setup

    Hello, i'm new to the reptile world and im interested in the diamond pythons and i have some questions regarding lighting/heating. 1) what should i do regarding lights during the night? do i turn them off or leave them on? 2) I've been reading and its says that its best to have a globe that...
  25. K

    Any Tips On Handling Baby Top End Python

    Hi , i recently got a top end python female about a week ago ,just after a few tips on how to handle her she has eaten a fuzzy 2 days ago with no problems at all she seems fine when she left alone but get quiet agitated when i try to hold her ive let her smell my hands when i change her water...
  26. T

    Loose Skin Around Snakes Neck.

    Hello, i just fed my young south west carpet python her first weaner mouse yesterday and i noticed today that there was some loose skin around the bottom of her neck. its flabby and its not that noticeable. Is it just because she ate a meal that was abit larger than the usually fuzzy mice i used...
  27. K

    Real Lawn As Bedding.

    Has anyone ever used real lawn in their vivarium. I was considering trying out one of those dog lawn subscriptions to get some and try it out. I know there's a concern with mildew. But I though using a drought tolerable bread, that's also use to shade. I'd have a few and rotate them...
  28. TekknoWaffle

    South West Carpet Python Poop.

    hey guys, my south west carpet python just shat on my bed and the white part looked normal, but the brown part was a bit watery and looked sort of like chocolate ice cream topping. Is she OK? I feed her fuzzies. She is close to shedding. She is 11 months.
  29. Cjwooster

    What Do I Need For A Click Clack Set Up?

    I know I need the container, the heating mat, thermostat, thermometer, water bowl and hidey box. What else do I need?
  30. Cjwooster

    Substrate Suggestions?

    I am looking for the best substrate I should put in a black headed python enclosure? Some breeder said to use shredded paper, but I have heard that isn't the best nor the safest to use (no idea why though?). Also what would the best substrate be for a click clack set up? I was going to use...