5 month old spotted python not eating

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New Member
Jul 1, 2009
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Hi All,

I brought my spotted python on the 12/6 was told she had eaten 2 pinkies 1 week earlier tried to feed her on14/6 she was not interested, then on the 19/6 she shed have tried since then to feed her but she is still not interested i even cut the heads open. she is very small only around 30cm was told she hatched on the 7/1/09 .... I am very concerend as she is very young her enviroment is the same as our stimson and bredli and they are eating... Any help would be great....
Give the snake a little time to settle in,like two weeks,then offer pinky,after dark is generally the best time.Make sure the temperatures are good,try not to handle or disturb unless changing water etc...Best of luck..
maybe just leave her alone for another week and dont go near her or anything even try covering her cage so she cant see out then try again on about the 10/7 at night and see if she is interested. if that doesn't work you may wanna see about force feeding her.
Theres no need to even think about force feeding at this stage,Some snakes just go off their food no matter what.One of my best feeders that doesnt miss a feed has stopped due to this time of year.
No worries im just goin off wat everyone told me to do no more than a month ago for mine when he wasnt eating.
Personally, I don't have a problem with force feeding, and do it at the drop of a hat, but it's not for the inexperienced / incapable and it's also not everyones way of doing things.
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