6 month old python is not eating without my help

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Aug 10, 2009
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hey all<
my diamond is refusing his food .i got him 4 weeks ago and the guy i got him from said he has been fed (fuzzie mouse)a week prior to me getting him. i left him alone for about a week in his cage then ive tried to give him a fuzzy mouse,he striked at it but didnt want t eat it.
ive been trying every 3 days sinse, but he was not interested.last sunday (2rd aug) ive cout a small lizard and put it in is cage.... the lizard was running all over him and he was not interested in it much ,he striked it once or twice but ddnt even bite>>> so i froze the poor lizard :?and tried giving it to him next day defrosted. still nothing.. so Ive decided to force feed him - that worked ... but i had to put it quite deep in his throat before he started swallowing
is he too little for fuzzy mice or too little to feed by him self? Ive tried to feed him today as well but he wouldn't again ...even when i cut the mouse in too halves... :(temp is good 29-33, he has a house to hide in and all that.
any advise on the my little diamy?
thanx to all
Hmm, striking at it but not eating it?...
I had the same problem with one of my snakes once, I just left the mouse in there for a couple of hours, came back and he had eaten it...not sure if it works with everyone though :)
hey :) he's not too little too feed himself, its instinct for them some hatchies are little fussy things and if you worried for size try mice pinkies there pretty little but snakes mouths and jaws can stretch pretty wide :) plus he's 6 months old already mines about that ages and chomping down fuzzies, the food should leave a noticeable bumb if you cant see it usually its time to go up a size. do you have any pics you can post up of him? my jungle didn't eat at the beginning (he was said to only be about 6 weeks) when we took him back for advice because even if we left the fuzzie in the tub he wouldnt eat it they got feeding tongs and spent a good amount of time wriggling it in front of him and tapping it on his nose, at the beginning it scared him then he started to get annoyed and take a few snaps, even after he wrapped it up, he'd then let it go so we would repeat the process, it took about 20 mins, each time after that was shorter and now he almost feeds the moment we put the fuzzy in his tub and sometimes it needs a little wriggle to encourage him. hope this helps.
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How often are you handling this snake?

My suggestion would be to leave him totally alone for at least 1 week, try not to open his enclosure at all. Then defrost and warm a rat or even better day old quail and simply leave it in his cage at the hot end over nite. If he doesnt eat it remove the food, leave him alone and try again a week later. This technique works very well.
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