HELP! Worried that my 3yr old spotted is sick, here for some advice

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Not so new Member
Mar 4, 2021
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I just came back from a trip overseas wherein someone was taking care of my spotted python. Everything was fine and nothing in my snake's environment had changed and his eating habits were maintained. Temps are all normal. My snake has always had a moderately healthy appetite. There have been a few times when he had given me some trouble, and wouldn't eat for a bit, however that was while he was still a juvenile and since then he has been eating and drinking and passing food well. The only thing that changed after my return was a fresh tank clean, but that has never bothered him before.

Previously he was eating at about 2 - 2.5 week intervals, so when 2 weeks passed with him expressing 0 interest in food, I was not worried and thought maybe he was preparing to shed. It is coming close to 4/5 weeks now, and he is more lethargic and shy than usual. There is no indication that he is about to shed and usually it doesn't take this long anyway. I haven't seen him leave his hide for weeks now. At first, I thought I'd let him do his thing, but today when I went to check on him because naturally I'm starting to panic a little. When I removed his hide he was shying away from light and tucking his head away from me under his own body. I also noticed that the skin under his jaw seemed oldly saggy. Not hugely so, but I don't think that his jaw and neck was shaped like this before. Still no interest in food.

Worth also mentioning that he has quite literally gone to a 0-movement lifestyle. Doesn't even peak out from his hide if there is movement in the cage. Never had issues in the winter with feeding. And even when he refused food in the past it would never last this long. Then there is the saggy jaw region...

I'm ready to book an appointment to check if needed. Worried about RI or infection. Has anyone experienced before or have any ideas before I take him to the vet?

*I have attached an online image of another snake with a similar looking jaw/neck however my snake's sag is not so bad and I thought I even imagined it when he moved into certain positions. However, I do still think there is some abnormal shaping.*1724765988126.png
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