Spotted python in shed 4 weeks

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Feb 16, 2025
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Corning NY USA
Hi. We've had a spotted python for about 10 months. She is about 3 years old and very handleable. She ate well from day 1 and has shed every 4-6 weeks until about 3 months ago. The signs were there that she was hungry, coming out and moving all around the enclosure, but when we offered she would move right past it as though it wasn't there. We haven't done anything differently, same food (frozen thawed rat) and fed same way.
Also, four weeks ago she went into her hide and hasn't been out since (that we know of). We thought she might be in shed, but four weeks is a long time. We know she's changing positions in her hide, but we're concerned. Any ideas? She is our first snake, and we thought we were doing well until this.
Hi. We've had a spotted python for about 10 months. She is about 3 years old and very handleable. She ate well from day 1 and has shed every 4-6 weeks until about 3 months ago. The signs were there that she was hungry, coming out and moving all around the enclosure, but when we offered she would move right past it as though it wasn't there. We haven't done anything differently, same food (frozen thawed rat) and fed same way.
Also, four weeks ago she went into her hide and hasn't been out since (that we know of). We thought she might be in shed, but four weeks is a long time. We know she's changing positions in her hide, but we're concerned. Any ideas? She is our first snake, and we thought we were doing well until this.
Best to take a good look at the snake get her out and check out her condition is her weight reasonable is she lethargic in hand can she carry her own weight
Is she opaque ie eyes milky dull skin
Has she sloughed already in the hide look for the shed skin
has she had a bad shed and Mabe has retained shed on her body
have a look make an assessment
Check temps does she have adequate sized water bowl look for black dots floating in bowl she could have snake mites they will hide away if infested it’s just a thought
Don’t worry if she’s off food for a while they can last a long time not eating it could be that you have a male and he’s just stopped to prepare for the breeding season