6 week old python with scale damage some advice please

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Mar 22, 2014
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Hi I stuffed up by putting something in my enclosure with adhesive Velcro, my baby jungle python managed to push under the adhesive and get the side of his head stuck, went to vet as they removed the Velcro a fair few scales including the eye scale ripped off, almost ripping the poor guys little eye ball out the vet said just see how it goes for a few days but they didn't have much experience with reptiles can I get some advice please as I have only just got him 3 days ago
I wouldn't be putting anything sticky in the enclosure, ever first off... blu tack, sticky tape, nothing. It's so easy for something to go wrong.
Anyway, i'd listen to the vet's advice as they probably have more experience than anyone on this site. If you're really worried, take her/him to a proper herp vet. I would also avoid handling, as she's probably hurting and stressed out a bit.

As willing to help as she may be, Classabear is only knew to herps herself and isn't familiar with the background and experience of some of the herpers on forums, including this one. Many of whom can provide just as good if not better medical advise than vets.

Pitty the vet (as unfortunately is the usual case) wasn't aware that adhesive tape should never, ever be forcibly removed from a snake. More often than not this process almost always leads to what you have experienced and tears scales from the snake.

Your going to have to put what's happened down to a lesson learned the hard way.

Unfortunately my friend there is not much else you (or a herp vet) can do for your little critter at this stage except to keep it warm and in a clean environment to prevent infection. Snakes have a remarkable ability to self heal if maintained in a warm and clean environment. There is every likelihood that it will fully recover but it is possible that it may loose it's sight in the damaged eye, especially if the ocular has come away. Usually damaged to scales causes a snake to come into shed earlier as a means to attempt to repair any damage.

If you observe any sign of infection (redness, swelling, discharge) then get it off to a recognised herp vet for antibiotics.

For future reference; As with mammals and birds the best way to remove adhesive tapes from a snake is to cut away any excess tape and use a cotton bud soaked in vegetable or olive oil to moisten the edge of the tape. Then as the oil takes effect continue to apply the moist cotton bud to the edge of the adhesive while slowly and gently lifting the edge away from the scales. Continue with the process until it is completely removed. Vegetable oil and/or olive oil will not damage the snakes scales including the ocular.

Best of luck with your little critter.
Thanks yeah it was a realise how stupid the idea was a little bit to late, I managed to get hold of a specialist and described everything to him so he told me what should be done with him so I'll back to the vet tomorrow with instructions :) when I saw his little eye come about 2mm out of its head I thought I was gone, but to my surprise he can still see and his pupil is still dilating and his eye is following thing but is a tad cloudy which could indicate infection but my vet is not sure what antibiotics to use either topical or oral if there is any vets on here that know it would be good so I can let my vet know thanks guys
Whereabouts are you located mate? Maybe we can find you a vet who actually knows what they're doing...
I'm in Mackay at the moment start a new job tomorrow on a nine day stint so hope the instruction the specialist left helps cause I'll be gone and my partner won't go near him as we only got him 3 days again an he is a little nippy :)
To the OP, I really hope your little guy comes out of this with eye sight! Keep him warm, and put a towel or something over his tank so its nice and dark for him. Try and keep him as stress free as possible. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
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