A Bit Fishy !!!!!!!!!!

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dragon lady

Very Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Got you...hook line & sinker..lol:p
I have heard that some people feed, but never have i known of the types or species of live fish that you can feed beardies & or monitors....or is this this just a fish tail?:oops:
We all know that they are high in protein & im looking after a few monitors that are problem feeders...thinking of alternitives other than pinkies,crickets,woodies,mealworms,silkworms ,earthworms&turkey or kangaroo mince.
So what fish? how many for storrs & acanthurus?is it the same pr as pinkies?
Come fishing anyone??? LOL:lol:
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I am sure that some people do supplement their dragons and monitors diets with fish flesh, and fish is a good protein source rich in BCAA's and oils. I would assume that as long as you keep the feeder fish in a sterile state and ensure that they have a good diet almost any aquarium type fish could be used. (you can usually get feeder fish from pet shops for about $1.00 a piece) gold fish look especially tasty.....
Thanks Caustic, had thought of goldfish... but need smaller
Helping a friend with a 11mntgh old accy ...she was feeding live in her habitat with traumatic results and she now has only a few toes & they started on her tail...she is only 20.5 cm & needs a health hand up in life!
want to ditch worms completely & give her another alternitive of moving eatibles...thus small fish in a shallow water dish...but need to know what type is best or any to stay away from...and wouldnt mind trying my beardies on some too!
well if what they say is true about using any fish, really u could just go to the pet shop and find the smallest fish u can get like neons or other smal tetra fish. But im no expert on monitors so.
They have feeder fish at the aquarium for larger fish. They are really inexpensive. Just go and have a look.
I feed gambusia (mosquito fish) to Varanus gilleni occasionally. I catch mine from a large dam in my area. Try any large water body you know is pollutant free.

mountain clouds are good . about the size of a tetra and native. they breed like crazy too:D

I started with 10 in my pond for my turtles and that quickly became around 100...

Then i put 10 in the turtle tank and they bred again..Stupid turtles won't catch them:D
i may have to go to a petshop....have a good 1 locally,the murray river is in enough troule without me pouching from it!
Bump, White cloud mountain minnows are not native.

Do not realise any into our native waters.

They are a native of asia.
Most fish are fine to eat. Swordtails are easy to breed and are a good size for small animals to eat. You can also just cut up bigger fish.

Live feedeing is also illegal in most states.
I wouldnt use any saltwater fish, stick to freshwater varites (although its the first time ive heard of someone feeding fish to beardies !! would this be part of thier natural diet ?)
re A

Ive had storrs and ackys that would eat canned cat food non fish and i tryed them on sardines and they ate some,probably more suitable for some species like mangrove or rusty monitors that may live in esturine situations possibly.
Thats what im thinkin zulu, i know its no problem for species that have evolved around the coastal areas, but with species that dont i believe some lack any mechanism for getting rid of the salt that would be in the food.
so a small river fish...not salties.... in the past have helped many that have had problems with feeding reptiles...ie; hatchies that have been harassed by live...crickets so wont touch any meat !... i generally start with earthworms..full protein,then heavily dust baby fridged woodies ...
now trying to help accie juvie...ie.....fish!

I think you need to remember their natural diet. How many fish do they eat in the wild. If they are eating fish in the wild, what kind are they eating. Fussy eaters usually have something else going on, not just bored with the stuff your giving them.

Good luck, let us all know how it goes if all goes well.

guppies? they breed like crazy, are easy to keep and have the bonus that you can sell nice males back to the pet shop
You could also consider freshwater feeder prawns/yabbies with disabled nippers....
Just breed livebearers - guppies, platys, mollies, or swordtails (smallest to largest). We had an oscar and I found the easiest to breed were the mollies as they don't tend to eat their babies as much as the guppies do and the platys I had seemed a bit retarded when they were first born and they didn't have as many as the others.

Oh and it is illegal to release any fish into waterways - it doesn't matter if they are native or not.
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