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africancichlidau said:
soulweaver said:
Name: Soulweaver
Age: Not as old as Arfo.
State: depends on how much i have drank :)
Reptiles: Don't have a license, so i just own books.
Hobbies: looking at reptiles in books :)

Don't believe him, he can't read!
Ban Him.

Where in this does it say i read books?

From my understanding it says i look at them.

Ban Afro for being an idiot who also can't read :p :)
Most of your questions are answered from my avator.
Age - 42,
Sex - I'm with Afro (agree with Afro, I don't mean sex with Afro)
Location: Look Left
Photo: Look Left
Reptiles: 1.1.2 Eastern Long Neck Turts
1.2.0 Blueys
1.3.11 EWD's
1.1.0 Intergrades
0.0.2 Diamonds
0.0.2 Lacies
1.1.0 Frillies
1.1.0 BHP
1.1.0 Emerald Monitor (coming)

Very married, two lovely children (Melissa (9) loves Herps Ben (6) loves computer games)

Work as an accountant (until 30 June 2007!!!!) and a local councillor

Hobbies - Herps & politics
name: jamie
age: 14
reptiles: 1 male stimpsons python
Name: David
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Melbourne
Status: Single
Reptiles: Macs, Childrens, Brown trees, Red bellies, Tigers, Browns, Beardies, Bluies, Shingles plus a hell of a lot more soon when I get the shed set up properly.
Hobbies: Reptiles, native freshwater fish and tanganyikan cichlids, native finches, freshwater fishing.
Name craig
Age - 23
Sex -often
Location: muswelbrook
as good as married 2.1.0 kids
1.1.0 dimonds and a few bluies atm
Name: Tristan
State: NSW, sydney
Reptiles: 1.1 V. tristis
1.1 sand monitor
1.2 WA ackies
2.1 black headed pythons
2.5 macs
1.2 stimmies
4.7 womas
+ hatchlings
name . mick
age. 40
state NSW
married to Sue and two kids
reptiles. mostly elapids ,goannas and the odd python
founded the south coast herp society due to no group down here in the gong
Age: 32
State: Qld
Reptiles: snakes and lizards
Single: yes and looking
Name: Simone
Location: Sydney
Pets:Lots and one very muched loved Staffy named Conan
Pics: In gallery
Likes:V8's, motorbikes, the footy and my animals.
Recently taken
PETS:a few snakies and my beautiful black staffy named jet
HOBBIES: training at the gym looking after my herps and hanging out with my staff...
and yes i do have a boring life hahahaha
a couple of snakes.
yes please
waves, snow, fishing, bikinis, chasing girls in bikinis.
Name: Emma
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Pets: U coastal carpet hatchie and one on the way
Location: Sydney
Pics: No
Status: Taken
Likes: music, books, pythons, Fords.
Name: Thalia
Age: 19 (20 in 14 days!!! :( scary lol)
Sex: Female
Pets: 3 coastal yearlings, 2 MDs, and one baby jungle together with my fiance.
Status: Taken (duh lol)
Location: Sunshine Coast (Back to good old Melbourne soon :D)
Other Pets: 2 dogs, 1 minpin and 1 husky
Interests: All animals, Metal music, Piercings, Reading/Writing, Happy Tree Friends, Pit Bulls, Holdens, Inter Milan, Pepsi Max, Hugs & Cuddles :)
Name: Daz
Age: 15
Sex: male
State: NSW
Reptiles: 2 mnth old spotted python
Single: maybe.....depends on who's asking
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